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Kyle shivered, feeling extremely irritated. Of course, now of all days, he decided to check the weather channel only for it to be completely wrong!

The weather called for clear, sunny skies today—not freezing winds and below 0 temperatures. But, to the conjurer's luck, that's exactly what he got. Cold, angry, and without a jacket of any kind, he rubbed his arms rapidly, hoping it'd slow down the freezing process at the very least.

This situation, of course, upset him greatly. But what made him even more frustrated was the fact that a special spandex-wearing superhero was seemingly unaffected by the temperature, and the windy weather factors that came along with it.

How the elf did Fanboy manage to feel fine- maybe even great- out here!? It wasn't possible! "The boy's a walking furnace," Kyle thought to himself.

Hold on. A furnace. That means he's warm.

Kyle found himself thinking about a.. difficult situation. On the upside, he wouldn't be freezing to death out here if he were to get closer to Fanboy right now. On the downside, it'd mean getting closer to Fanboy right now.

Not that he was opposed or revolted by the thought; It's just that he always seemed to feel so conflicted whenever he was that close to the costume-clad lunatic. He doesn't feel disgusted or uncomfortable like he always expects to be when he's around Fanboy. In fact, he could even consider himself.. happy? He didn't know how to feel about that, or what it meant.


That wasn't important right now. What was important was not freezing to death. And so, he approached Fanboy almost desperately.

"Oh, hi Kyle!" Fanboy greeted in his usual cheery demeanour.

"Uh.. greetings, Fanboy," Kyle responded shyly, "I have a, um.. rather peculiar task to ask of you."

"I'm all for rather peculiar tasks! What is it?"

Kyle wasn't sure how to word it in a way that didn't sound embarrassing— Oh come on, idiot! It's a simple enough request! You're Kyle the Conjurer, are you not? Just say it- it'd be embarrassing whether you word it formally or not.—He cleared his throat.

"Well, from the looks of it, the weather doesn't seem to be affecting you as it's affecting me. In other words, you look.. warm. And I'm very chilled, so I was wondering if you could maybe.."

"Mmhm?" Fanboy said, keeping his focus on the question, for once.

"If you could.. hugme?"

"If I could.. what now? You're talking really fast, Kyle."

"If you could hugme, Fanboy."

"Kyle, slow down."

"IF YOU COULD HUG ME!! There! Satisfied? Content?"

Fanboy stopped for a second. "Hug you? And you called that a peculiar task?" He grinned cheekily, "No problemo, Kyle! Hugs are one of my many specialties."

And so, Kyle was scooped up in an awkward yet cold-relieving embrace. It was.. kind of strange, but hey, at least he wasn't so cold anymore! Especially in the face.

The two stood in that hugging position for a while, but once Kyle realized people had been staring at them and he began to feel embarrassed, he pushed himself away from Fanboy. And then he quickly ran back because he'd forgotten just how cold it was.

"Geez, you're really cold, aren't you?" Fanboy asked, raising a brow.

"Hush.. It's embarrassing," Kyle confessed, hugging him again.

Fanboy smiled a little. The two had been close like this before, but it was never for so long, and it was never initiated by Kyle. He wasn't sure why, but he.. liked it? It was peaceful— something Fanboy would typically not be fond of, but for some reason Kyle seemed to make it enjoyable.

The two were seemingly glued to each other for the next while, until the school's bell split them apart.

"Well, that was.. pleasant," Kyle said, somewhat flustered, "Thank you, by the way. I would have been an icicle by now had you not helped me."

"No prob, Kyle!" Fanboy beamed, "Maybe, uh... Chum Chum and I can walk home with you, if it's still cold." He smiled at the kid wizard before him, and Kyle returned it.

"..Yes, that'd be nice."

I feel like the FBaCC fandom died in like.. 2012, but take this anyway.

Furnace Fanboy - a FanKyle oneshotحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن