Chapter One

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Her words created a hole in my heart. It burnt, just like the tears threatening to fall. Her once familiar hazel eyes showed nothing but sheer hatred.

"You're not my son. Get out of my house." The words were foreign to me.

"W-What-" I felt my bottom lip begin to quiver. My gaze fell on my little sister who was standing by my mother's feet.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" She questioned our mom in confusion.

"Honey," Mother's voice was stern, "This boy needs to leave for a very long time, and hopefully never return." My heart wrenched.

"But why?" Her soft five year old voice was so innocent. "He is an embarrassment to all of us." A tear fell down my honey dusted cheek.

"Lacey..." My voice broke as she ran to me and hugged my legs. "But I love August!" Her long blonde curls bounced with each step she took.

She resembled Mom so much, while I resembled our late father. I bent down and hugged Lacey's small body, wanting to shield her from Mother's cruel words. Even if they were directed at me.

"Lacey, let him go. I never want to hear his name in this house again." Mother lifted her nose disgusted, "Just like your father."

'My father...? She never talks about him...'

"You have ten minutes to pack a bag, or else I'm calling the police and I will have you removed from this house, got it?"

I looked up into Mother's eyes, the love that was once there now replaced with hatred. I clenched my eyes shut and nodded, not letting go of Lacey.

The sound of Mother's heels echoed around the room, until they disappeared.

"Lacey, I'm so sorry..." I had let go of her, and buried my head in my hands holding back my sobs.

"August, I will try to change Mommy's mind, okay?" I looked into her large doe eyes, "No Lacey, it's okay..."

I brought my hand up to her cheek and gave it a little pinch, "Come help your big brother."

After I threw some clothes, money, food, and bathroom essentials into the bag, I found Mother and Lacey standing by the front door.

I looked at it solemnly, memories flashing back.

'I'm home!!! The warm and gruff voice rang throughout the house and I looked to Lacey. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" We ran to greet our father at the door, and we hugged his beer-belly warmly. "Hey Love." Father greeted Mother with a kiss on the cheek as he closed the door.'

This door holds so many memories...


I was brought out of my thoughts by Mother's stern voice. She held the front door open, and the wind coming inside blew her blonde hair back revealing the tattoo under her ear. '

Strength' was written in cursive there. If only I had some... I picked Lacey up, and kissed her nose. I whispered her something special.

Something important. Something I intended to keep. "I will be back." And then I set her down. "I love you Lacey... And Mother..."

My voice cracked when I saw her expressionless look. "Wuv you too Austy!"  I stepped outside, and right after I did, the place I called home was now gone.

I took my phone out my pocket, and phoned the one person I knew would understand.

"Hey Uncle Mark."
"August!! My boy, it's been ages, what's up?"
"M-Mom, s-she..."  My voice trembled.
"August, where are you? I'll pick you up." I shook my head.
"No, I need to collect myself so I'll meet you at the apartment."
"Alright, I'll be home so come anytime."

And then I ended the call. Tucking my phone back in the pocket of my faded blue jeans, I leant on a pole near an intersection sighing.

I looked to the bluish grey sky. "What a day..." I didn't have the strength to cry anymore, but with the looks I was receiving, I was sure my eyes were bloodshot. '

I really thought mom would understand me... I trusted her so much.'

I started walking towards the apartment, lacing around people on the busy sidewalk.

'I understand her reasoning as to why she kicked me out, but just because I look and am like Dad doesn't mean I am him...'

As I was lost in thought, I bumped into a hard chest and my bag fell, the contents spilling over the floor.

"Aw man..." I sighed and bent down to pick up the items. As I grasped my phone charger, a large hand fell over mine.

My breath hitched in my throat, and tingles traveled throughout my arm.

When I looked up at the owner of the warm porcelain hand, I was met with a pair of the warmest but most devilish looking deep brown eyes. His jet black hair contrasted with my own brown hair.

"Sorry about that." His voice was deep and husky, yet had a warm tone to it.

"I- It's alright." I looked down suddenly after packing my bag remembering how my eyes were still red.

"Here you are." The gorgeous man handed me the charger, so I tucked it away in my bag. After mumbling a thanks, I hurried away to Uncle Mark's apartment.

After I had gotten to theapartment, I explained to Uncle Mark what had happened. He ran his hand throughhis red hair seemingly stressed.

"So your mother kicked you out cause you'relike your dad. Gay, right?" I looked down sheepishly and nodded.

"Aish, that sucks. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need, just find a job soon.You're already 18."

I thanked Uncle Mark incredibly grateful, and made my wayto his extra bedroom.

Uncle Mark is my dad's brother, so he understands how Ifeel since he helped my dad with the same thing. '

I just wish I was normal... I didn't ask to be gay!'

I gritted myteeth, sadness replaced with anger.

'Why can't she just accept me...?'

I took a steamy shower in the bathroom, and when I came out I looked into the mirror.

My sea green eyes really were bloodshot, and I looked pathetic standing at a mere 5'4.

I sighed tiredly, and went through my bag looking for my clothes. That's when I realized something was missing.

'My wallet, my wallet, where's my wallet!?' I groaned.

'It probably fell out when I bumped into that guy...' I paused.

'That guy... There was something different about him... Something addicting that made me curious about him.'

Deciding not to worry about it, I went to sleep that night, but all I could think about was that mysterious man...

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