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You were standing over a woman, your bastard sword raised over her chest. This woman was found guilty of black magic. You brought burning sword down on her chest. As you stood watching her die she shot up and grabbed your heart saying "I curse you with life. To never know peace. To walk Remnant alone for eternity. You will never die." Then she 'kills' you. A few hours later the rest of your party finds you
"He gave his life to end hers" your close friend Ozpin says
"Wait sir, look" a bother soldier says pointing towards a beating heart in the witches hand
"(Y/N)'s heart" your other friend says. Ozpin pulls a knife and starts to stab the heart
"Ahhhh!" You scream as he stabs it
"Well, it appears we have a friend who refuses to die" Ozpin says, "pick him up, we must put him in a tomb in the emerald forest"
"Sir, are you sure" a lowly grunt asks
"Yes, when the time is right, he will be back"
"It's a shame the team spartan must sleep for a while"
"Indeed" Ozpin says placing your tomb under some ruins
End flashback 3rd POV
What would become teams RWBY and JNPR were getting their chess pieces from some old ruins when a nevermore crashes through the ceiling and the floor. As everyone went to investigate they felt old musty air blast their faces...the air also smelt of other things, sadness, and death mostly. As they went to investigate Pyrrha noticed a date carved into the stone "guys" she said gaining everyone's attention "this was built before the Great War, before the evil witches were all killed off"
"So?" Yang asks
"We shouldn't go near it" Pyrrha says, then everyone hears Ozpin yelling
"Yes sir" they all say...well, except Ruby, Ruby sees shiny weapons
"Ozpin, who's tomb is this?" Pyrrha asks
"A close friend, cursed to be immortal" Ozpin starts explaining, then coughing is heard along with the clang of armor, "he's back" Ozpin says
"Oz?" A man shouts from in the darkness
"(Y/N)!" Ozpin shouts and a man in armor that looked kind of similar to Pyrrha's in the materials used walk into the sunlight and falls "Pyrrha, help him" Ozpin orders. As Pyrrha walks over to the man he gets up, he looks at Pyrrha and sees her crown. As she nears him he falls to a knee
"What is thy bidding my queen" he says
"What?" Pyrrha asks looking at Ozpin
"Tell him to rise and speak freely" he advised while pointing to his head. Pyrrha seems to get it
"Arise great warrior, and speak freely" Pyrrha says with little confidence, but the stranger, (Y/N), gets up
"Hey Oz, last time I say you was the Great War"
"It's good to see you too (Y/N)"
"You've aged"
"Hey!" Ozpin says hitting him with his cane, "not everyone gets to stay 20 forever!"
"This is also the biggest greeting party yet"
"What?" Everyone asks
"Yes, you nine and one hundred-fifty Grimm" (Y/N) says as everyone's jaw drops, "now if you'll excuse me" he picks up his sword and runs into the dense forest
"Should we Fallow him?" Jaune asks
"No, he'll be back in a minute"

(If you guess the movie that inspired the beginning, you can be in next chapter or a story that you request)

Pyrrha Nikos X male immortal readerWhere stories live. Discover now