Never Everafter

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I walked down the hall way quietly my eyes shifted from the people around me yelling and screaming, some where hugging and crying telling one another how much they'd miss each other. Disgusting. You see I'm not really a people person. They don't like me and I don't like them, thats why I'm happy the summer is here, now I can stay home on my computer no one to bother me.. Thank god.

Once I get home i sling my bag on the couch getting ready for my mom to start screaming at me. All i got was a soft smile from her, "Hello Raelynn honey! How was your day?" She was acting to nice.. "Whats going on?" I ask, shifting my green eyes from my mom to my dad. "We found a camp.. It looks fun.." My dad explained, looking at a pamphlet. I look at him with wide eyes, "You cant possibly think I want to go!" I raised an eyebrow at him. He always knew I was antisocial, and he was pretty okay with it.. It was my monster of a mother who didn't understand anything about me. "Your going! It'll be nice to get you out of the house. No questions or complaints.." My mother replied for him. I scoffed at her rolling my eyes. This was ridiculous! I marched to my room slamming the door.

I Huff taking off my jacket looking in the mirror. My green eyes had dark bags under them, my hair was a soft light blonde color, it would have been pretty if it wasn't so curly and frizzy. I step away from the mirror sighing and opening my laptop. If they think I'm going their crazy. I think to my self while flipping on my soft unmade bed.

After an hour of me scrolling on tumblr my mom shouts, "RL, ARE YOU READY??" Her voice was ringing with enthusiasm. Does she really think im leaving? I laugh a little and continue scrolling. "RAELYNN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Ugh. I sigh. Okay fine I'll play along. I start packing ( and by that i mean shoving clothes in a bag ) a suit case filled with random shirts and skinny jeans before shoving my phone in my pocket and running now their my red suit case in hand. "Haha okay look I'm playing your little game are you happ-" i was just dead in my tracks to see a bus outside my window. Oh no. You have /got/ to be kidding me. I hug my dad telling him i love him before my mom pushes me out the door and onto the bus filled with strange kids i didn't know. Great.

Okay that was the first chapter i hope you enjoyed!! Ill most likely update very soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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