Chapter 1: Saying Goodbye

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Chapter 1: Saying Goodbye

My alarm goes off but I ignore it, as usual, I mean is ten more minutes of sleep really going to make me late?

"Rosalie, get up this instant you need to get up and eat breakfast." I rolled over and looked at the clock, I had overslept thirty five minutes. I jumped out of bed and threw on my uniform, I didn't have time to straighten my hair so I put it up in a ponytail. I was pulling on my pumps as I walked down the set of stairs into the kitchen. Duke and Duchess, my German Shepherds, came running down the stairs behind me. They caught up to me and I tripped over Duke's tail causing me to end up in a pile on the bottom with them both on top of me.

"What on earth is taking you so long?" Elizabeth walked in. She's our head housekeeper and almost like an aunt to me, she makes sure I get to my appointments on time. Unfortunately that includes school, which I have to wake up at five thirty for.

I put on my best smile and pretend that this is normal, which it is. "Oh hey Elizabeth, what's up?"

She just rolled her eyes at me, "Hey yourself, you need to eat and get on your way to school." She sighed then smirked, "Come on Rose don't you think you could go at least one day without waking up late and falling down the stairs..."

I went to interrupt her, but she already knew what I was going to say. "Yes I know, it wasn't your falt, like it never is. Save me the lecture on how teenagers need their sleep and such. Anthony made you a delicious omelet and if you don't eat it soon I know Ashton will."

That made me get up. I didn't want my twin to eat my omelet that our wonderful chef made for me. I stood up and straightened my skirt. Then I ran into our kitchen. "Don't you dare eat my omelet Ash, I will hurt you!"

I could hear him laughing from the other room. When I entered the kitchen I could see him with his fork raised above my plate, ready to steal some. I went to jump on him and push him off his seat, but he grabbed me and pulled me down with him. Both of us turned our heads at the same time when we heard Elizabeth's clicking heels.

She glared playfully at us, "You two act like you are seven, I can't leave you alone for a minute without something happening." She shook her finger at us disapprovingly.

Ash smirked and one now graced my face as we spoke in unison, "Come on Liz you know you love us." Then we both laughed, his deep timber mixing perfectly with my twinkling gigle.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at us,"You guys know it creeps me out when you do that. Enough fun and games, Rose you need to eat we don't want to keep Jett waiting."

I started eating my delicious omelet while Ash spoke, "Wait isn't Jett supposed to be the one waiting for us, not us waiting for him. You know we do pay him to drive us around, at least until we get our license."

Elizabeth snorted ungracefully, "One, you should still be courteous to him he does have to drive you two around all the time. Two, you aren't the ones paying him, your parents are."

"Here is where you are confused my dear Lizzy, you see we are our parents heirs, so we will inherit the company and all the money, so really we are paying him. You know just with the money we have in the future." Ash spoke with a tone reminding Elizabeth, how we really were aristocrats.

"Just grab our things and go, stop annoying me, at least I will have so peace and quiet with you two gone." Elizabeth slapped him lightly on the back of his head.

I hopped off my seat and picked up my designer backpack. Oh, the perks of coming from a wealthy family.

As we were almost out the door Elizabeth called to us, "Oh I forgot to tell you, your parents are going to be home today and they want to talk to you as a family. So don't be late, come straight home."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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