chapter 1 new life

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chapter one

I woke up breathing heavy. I've had the same dream almost every night for the past few months. I wake up around two and can never go back to sleep. I lay awake with my few hours of sleep before my mom wakes up. It's just us two. My dad abandoned me when I was only one. My mother had no brothers or sisters and my grandparents died when I was little. I'm only six years old and I have had a terrible life. My mother is poor we live in a small house in Arizona and I'm lucky to get what I do when it comes to life.

Its now 8 my mom should be awake now. I hop out of bed and slowly walk into my mom's room. I was in stealth mode not wanting to be noticed. I jumped onto the bed and pulled down the sheets to see the bed empty. I turned and left her room then I walked out and turned left. I walked past my room which was right next to my mom's. I walked out of the hall way and into the living room. We had no TV but did have a nice couch. I sat down and looked out into the kitchen that was connected to our living room. She was no where. I may be six but I'm smart. I knew something was up. I walked around closing all our blinds like my mother always did in the summer to help keep the sun out so our house was cooler.

I had been sitting in the living room on the floor with a bunch of random electrical pieces. None of them were for the same thing but my mom needed a new watch. I connected two wires and put a old battery in the back. It suddenly powered to life. I smiled to myself and started to put the cover on. My mom's birthday is in two days and I want to give it to her.

There was a knock at the door. I stood and walked over and looked out the window. I saw two cops standing outside. I knew that I had to open the door so I did.

"Excuse me young lady is this the  Coppertone household?" the taller cop asked. I didn't say a word but noded my head. "May we come in and talk?" The other asked. "Yes." was all I said I turned and walked over sitting on the floor fiddling with my watch. The cops came and stood in from of me. "Sweetie, is your name Angelina Coppertone?" the tall one asked. I looked up from my watch and replied with "Yes it is." there eyes grew saddened and dark. I stood and looked them straight in the eye as I asked "What's wrong?" the taller one was the only one to respond. He looked down and said "Angelina this morning your mother was in a terrible car accident. The car had caught on fire and her body was too burnt to identify. But it was her car and her phone was next to her along with her purse and wallet. We are sorry to say that your mom has passed away." By the time his little speech was over I was crying my eyes out. I needed a hug so I ran and hugged the smaller officer and cried onto his pant leg as I was only up to his hip. He patted my back.

A while later I had stopped crying but was still very upset. The smaller officer broke the silence that had been on us for about five minutes. "You are gonna have to stay with your father." I looked up and said "I don't know who he is." They nodded and took me to their police car to take me with them to the police station.

I sat as they analyzed my blood to see who my father was I was watching the news. The headline was "Ironman has saved a bus load of kids from Ivan Vanko, a crazy man trying to copy ironmans suit" I looked up interested. I loved superheros, they were so cool. I heard a gasp that took me from my thoughts. I turned to the man analyzing my blood. He looked at me with pure shock. I tilted my head to the side and furrowed my eyebrows. I was immediately taken home. They called who I'm sure was my dad. Which was a very interesting call on my end I wonder about the other. I was going to stay with my dad in L.A.

I sat and packed a small suit case with everything I had. Literally everything. I didn't have much else. I had a small ACDC back pack. it was my mother's and I liked the music too. I put my favorite book, Aquamarine, in it. I grabbed my mom's watch I was making and put my tools along with it inside the back pack. I hopped into the police car that drove me to the airport. I got on the plane by myself without anyone but the plane attendants who took good care of me.

I got off the plane and walked out to see a woman waiting. she came to me and asked if I was Angelina. I nodded and she walked me out of the LAX airport got me into the car and dropped me off to my new home. I was finally going to figute out who my dad is and meet him for the first time.

I do not own any of the marvel characters only Angelina and her mother.

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