{1} - Life Changes

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Nothing either of the two metal masked people did was for no reason. Neither was it their choice. They were trained in a facility when their parents sold them to SHIELD for money for alcohol or drugs or whatever it is they wanted. The elder of the two, a young man by the name of Jacob, had lived a solid five years with their parents before his sister was born.

When she was born the two parents weren't able to afford whatever it is they were addicted to and sold them off to SHIELD. Both of them were trained in the same fields, though when they were old enough (around 15 or 16 each) they chose a few things they wanted to keep training with. 

The elder of the two, Jacob, decided he wanted to work with any gun, knives, hand-to-hand combat and stealth. The younger one, Tempest (for she hadn't been named by her parents and had a fiery temper when aggravated), had chosen to go for the sniper, knives, hand-to-hand combat and stealth.

A smart choice made by the duo, nicknamed the Battlin' Duo for their well known ability to fight each other for long periods of times. Not physically, but by shouting at each other. But everyone knew not to mess with one or you have to deal with both.

At the downfall of SHIELD, the two were able to escape from the facility that was deep in the mountains when the place was taken down by a different group. Not the Avengers.

They live on a small ranch in the outside of New York and they earn money by assassinating people for money. The two work together to spot, trap, snipe or stab, and finish their victim. They were raised to be killing machines and continuously  step up their game to stay alive from anyone, or thing, coming after them.


Sitting on the couch in the small living room, the girl read the book in silence.

"Temp! I think someone is outside!" Her brothers voice came from upstairs. She lifted her head slightly to the right, facing the cushion of the backrest on the couch and the way to the stairs. Her eyes narrowed ever so softly as she breathed in deep and even breaths before silently folding the corner of her page and setting it on the coffee-table that was in front of the couch.

She stood up and stretched, her back arching and popping soothingly. She continued her way around the couch and climbed the stairs two at a time.

"Where?" She asked before he pointed outside. The house was surrounded by woods and a mountain behind the house.

She looked out and was quickly able to distinguish the people who had attempted to hide themselves in the area. Her eyes narrowed as she strapped strap after strap to herself with multiple different guns and knives before strapping her sniper along her back for quick access.

She followed him outside and silently stood a few feet behind and next to him.

The people stopped in front of her brother before looking both of them up and down with nothing but solid menace in their stares.

"Is there something you need, coming to my house like this? Uninvited?" Her brother spoke up first.

"We have some people you might want to assassinate, since they are in the way. We have a few things you might want to use a bit with them. B-"

"We need nothing but money for this, if we know who they are," Tempest snapped sharply.

"Well. We need you to assassinate one Steve Rogers, one James Barnes, one-"

"Is it just going to be the entire Avengers team?"

"Don't kill Barnes. Knock him out and take him back here. We will be waiting," the man smiled a cruel and crooked smile.

The two nodded before disappearing together into the forest with swift and silent footsteps before coming upon the large tower known as Stark Tower or, more well known as, the Avengers Tower.

They both nodded softly before venturing in as if they were tourists and were able to slip through security quite easily to slide into a group of people being toured through the first floor.

As the floors rose, they were able to get the layout of the tower quite easily. They were introduced to the Avengers themselves (figuring these were the wealthier people of New York who wanted to brag about this). They were able to locate the exact location of where each Avenger would be by placing trackers on them (which were practically invincible).

They were quite simple to get through to know everything about the Avengers they needed to know.

As they slid out, they watched as one Avengers dressed as nothing more than what seemed to be a prostitute slide after them. 

The Battlin' Duo was able to disappear from (just about) thin air. 


Word count: 798

I'm sorry if this is horrible this was just on a whim.

If you do share it, don't change anything about it and make sure to credit me :)

Other than that feel free to share it with anyone and everyone!

~ Fridges

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2018 ⏰

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