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I arrived at my destination and saw the building sign that read "Styles Incorporated". I opened the big glass door and went to the lady at the front desk "Hi what floor is Mr.Styles on I'm his new assistant? I said in calm tone to the lady at the desk "He's on floor 15,can I get a name dear so I can tell him your here?'' "Yes,Madison Fisher" I said with a smile "I'll tell him your on your way up". I found the elevator and made my way up to the 15th floor there was another set of big glass doors I opened them up and behind them were people working hard and looking like they do not enjoy working here. I saw a office door that Read "Mr. Styles office" I knocked on the door and I heard a low raspy British voice say "Come in." I opened the door to see and tall muscular man with beautiful emerald green eyes and short silky brown I could see that the shirt he was wearing was very tight around his mid-body. "Hello Mr.Styles I'm your new assistant Madison Fisher" He looked at me with the most gorgeous smile any man could have. The raspy voice spoke and said "please call me Harry" I smiled "Well its nice to meet you Harry " "Likewise ". I thought to myself on how gorgeous this man can be and well damn I'm already in love with his dimples and his eyes. I heard harry say "So Madison tell me a bit about your self " I smiled "I'm from Holmes Chapel its just a little bit into Manchester, I-" I was going to finish my sentence when Harry put his hand up and said "Wait did you say your from Holmes Chapel?" I nodded slowly, He smiled " I'm from there as well" I smile and said "It's just a lovely little town isn't?'' "sure is" said harry with his dimply smile.Mr.Styles lead me to my office and let me get my things settled. I hung up a few pictures of flowers and set things up on my desk, when I was finished I decided to go and meet some people I met this really nice gal named Brooklyn she was really nice then I met a nice guy named Tommy he was sweet but a man of very few words. I sat at my desk and typed a few things up on my computer then I heard and knock at my door I got up out of my desk chair and walked to the door it was harry god that man is seriously the most gorgeous man I have ever seen, he was smiling he said in his deep British accent "We have a employment night out at a bar every Monday would you like to join us?'' I smiled slightly "Of course let me grab my coat" he waited for me ...what a gentleman. 

We all went to the bar for drinks harry never left my side and he bought all my drinks! "Dose he like me or something?'' I said to my self. Before anyone knew it when were on our 5 drink we've only been there for an hour we were all having the time of our lives..hey why not share a Snapchat I took a photo with Harry and put it on my story. We kept the night going..I had a blast! 

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