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Hi everyone hope you enjoy this small preview of the first chapter. I will post it this friday and I hope you can support it and again Stan talent, Stan Snuper

Without further ado. Enjoy 

Third person's P.O.V:

He had to be strong in front of the person that could make him feel millions of emotions and do thing that Suhyun would never do. It is painful moment but he had to be brave and show that this is not affecting him at all.

He had to keep it together or else the red head male would see behind his lies and it would be harder for him to leave. Suhyun felt unworthy of Woosung love as Woosung was perfect in the others eyes and he felt small and not enough. He felt that Woosung deserve somebody that was his own level or more not somebody like Suhyun

In Suhyun's mind he was doing the best thing for both of them and he was not going to give into the younger male. "Please understand this was not your fault but I just can't do this anymore." 

He unconsciously let a tear slip through and that was enough for Woosung to not believe a word Suhyun was saying.


That is it I can't give away a lot but I hope you all will anticipate the first chapter and more to come. 

-Stupid author (AndreaXx)

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