Can You Read My Mind?

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He's at it again.  I couldn't help but catch that kid in the act of staring at my little brother. 

I closed my eyes and tested the air.  My nostrils flared as I breathed in a big gulp.  I could smell the subtle metallic tang coming from him.  I opened my eyes.  Only psychics could have a smell like that. 

"Thaddeus."  I nudged my younger brother.  He was almost as beautiful as I, but all vampires had the gift of supernatural gorgeousness I suppose. 

His soft angelic features looked to me.  His thick blond lashes contrasted the harsh, bored stare he always wore.  "What is it?"  He hissed, his fangs poking dangerously from behind his drawn lips. 

I couldn't help but grin at his crankiness.  "Watch it, brother.  We're at school.  The humans could catch you."  I murmured into his ear. 

He closed his eyes.  His thin body eased.  "I'm sorry.  I'm just so hungry."  He pinched the bridge of his milky white nose. 

My eyes flickered back to the boy who was staring.  He continued to look this way.  I quickly looked back at my brother before the psychic could catch my eyes.  "Thaddeus, is that boy a friend of yours?  He is staring quite fondly at you."  I nodded towards the psychic. 

Thaddeus rubbed his bleary eyes and looked to where I motioned.  He dismissed the person quickly.  "That's Gregory.  He's a psychic.  I think he's the only other supernatural in this school beside us."  He yawned.  His red lips looked like a girl's.  Thaddeus all together resembled a beautiful female. 

I glanced once more at Gregory the psychic.  He may be able to read another's mind, but the look on his face in that moment was obvious.  He was in love with my little brother.  I smiled.  That could be of use later.


"Gregory Charvere, Sophmore, Age 15, has psychic with the abilities of intuition, psychometric, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and the one I'm most interested in, telepathy."  My hands slapped down on his desk in the middle of our free hour. 

Gregory looked up from his book.  His honey eyes caught mine.  His full lips that went well with his golden skin tone formed a crooked grin.  He scratched at his dark and curly hair.  "Oh.  Hi there.  You did your research, but you missed one thing about me."  He grinned as he held up his index finger.

My eyes widened.  "Preposterous!  My sources-!" 

"I'm also a goofball!"  He giggled like a mischievous child as his index finger flicked my nose.  I gripped my nose as if I was burned.  Who was this boy that was able to stand up to a vampire who was two years his senior? 

"Sorry, I do embarrassing things when I'm nervous.  Sit, Donavan!  Please!"  He pulled a chair for me to sit. 

With a sigh, I sat in the chair he provided.  I glared at him.  His rosy cheeks and excited eyes along with his lithe body in a baggy school uniform made him look like a child. 

Gregory sat up straight in his desk, waiting for me to speak.  "You know of me?"  I inquired. 

His head of curly black hair shook slightly as he nodded his head.  "Yeah, you're famous!  You're the hottest guy in school!  And I know of your younger brother.  Thaddeus in my grade. He's probably the cutest guy if you're the hottest."  He laughed, slightly embarrassed. 

He adjusted his thick glasses and cleared his throat.  "Anyways, why did you summon me?"  His toothy grin was a beautiful stark white against his skin. 

My lazy eyes slid around the classroom, finally noticing that eyes were watching us.  I leaned in closer to him.  He stiffened and his eyes crossed to look at me.  "I need you to read the minds of female humans for me."  My warm breath cascaded over his mouth. 

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