My Band Story

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Hello readers. The beginning of my band story kind of was off to a slow start. I wasn't even in band at the beginning of the year, but that all changed when I tried out for winter was a windy day and I was bored after school and I seen try outs for percussion. I had absolutely nooo idea what percussion ment but I still went for it anyways... "Everyone trying out for drumline go to the gym." The band director yells. I quickly head to the gym with the others not knowing a clue of what we were doing. As I walk in I see 5 snares,6 bass drums, 7 symbol sets, and 3 tenors. They were set up in the shape of a square. All seemed exciting and I wanted to do all.. But there was just one, one of those drums caught my eye, the snare drums.... I was one if the first ones on the drum, quickly catching on on how to hold the sticks and where to hit them. "CHECKER BOARD!"the band director said... Not knowing a clue what checker board was I randomly hit the drum, trying to stay in sync with the other snares.... The next day there was a list of people that made the winter percussion.. I seen my name under pit and I was numbed I didn't get into the drumline but also excited that I at least made something. (Pit is a group of mallets and synths and oczillory instruments) we then started practicing and that's when I fell in love with band.. I quickly realized though that my elective wasn't actually band so we made arrangements and I got into the concert band. I was on a snare in concert band. All this started November 2013 and as of June 2014, I am the best percussionist in the entire concert band. Oh yea and I forgot about percussion huh? Lol well it was championship day and we got ready to leave to Clovis to compete. (Winter percussion) we were all nervous but we finally preformed that night. 30 minutes later they started announcing the places. There were 11 possibly places and they were getting very close to 1st place.. We knew our name hadn't been called yet but we knew we got a good score then next thing we know," 1st place goes to... LIBERTY MIDDLE SCHOOL!" Tears rushing down my face, I was so happy we won that night and as of today, we are now the jr high valley champions for winter percussion... Well that's my band story and how I fell in love with such a sport.. (Yes it is a sport) hope you enjoyed it because I certainly did :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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