"What would you do?" Part 1

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What would you do?

 What would you do? Dear reader, If you saw somebody jump off a roof, if the crumbled on the ground, the demise of the human mind and body, the coda of life brought forth earlier than expected, due to the needed soul musicians being absent. You would probably think to yourself “poor soul”, hang around for a while and then move on before the scene you glanced at from far away would not interfere with your personal activities, maybe tell some friends in order to move on before it is too late.

   Am I right, dear reader?

  What would you think about the people you survey, gathering around the inert body? Scan everyone in the messy crowd and recognise iconic characters that always appear in this kind of situations. The person imposing order and calling 112, the few individuals crying, some others hanging out from the windows like hanging plants attached to the concrete jungle, gazing at the scene with a mixture of curiosity and disturbance in their eyes. Oh, and of course the person that films it or takes photos to “document” the whole event, the carnival formed around the dead body.

  Pretty accurate, don´t you think dear reader?

  Now, let me ask you, what would you think if you were right in front of the body as it plummeted towards the bitumen covered road, dear reader? What would you feel? Once you saw the figure fall as you noticed a misplaced shadow above you and dared to take a glimpse of the scene you were going to be part of. Time slowed down. As the human, the individual, the person that threw themselves-just before they hit the ground, faintly whispered “...cruel worl-”. They get interrupted by the snapping of their vertebraea and screaming of the audience around you...around it, the mass of tissue and bones that now lies on the ground, seeking to be hidden away from the showgoers that decided to rush in and form a circle around it. You are confused. The little glimpse of hope you got from the few responsible people that attempt to dismiss the spectators is over-weighted by the waves of cell phone flashes and screaming. You want to tell them to call emergencies, but feel a sudden lack in strength, you can't even speak clearly anymore.

 Do you understand the toxicity of the people-if we might still call them that, that stand around you and around it, do you understand the toxicity in yourself?. Wouldn't you like to cry? Wouldn't you like to curl up in a ball and stay like that for a while? I would. Maybe I have. Who knows.

  Now finally, dear reader, allow me to ask you one last question.

 Do you feel pity for that person? What if that person was you? Imagine you fell and crushed you recipient into an untidy mess, but you spirit was still there for a few seconds, your consciousness, observing the “things” that gather around you, making a fuss out of what seems insignificant when processed enough. You would think to yourself !what does it matter?”, right? If you really craved to free yourself from this dirty carapace you called body for so many years, this vase-now empty, that had to go through so much abuse, both from others...and yourself, it means you understand how insignificant your life was to begin with, how small we are and how little we can do to change this place we inhabit and call universe. After all we are just a bunch of intermolecular connections with a bunch of small currents running through tissue wires spread across “us”, right?

  Heh, wrong.

  Dear reader, if I have learned something in my journey through life’s road so far, it is that you must not give up hope, however you must not hoax yourself into thinking it is that easy either. You have been given a gift, you are not weak, you have one, and one chance only, so make the best of it. A chance at life that is, dear reader.

  I know it is easier said than done sometimes, but remember, at the end of the day it is your existence the one that matters most, and not the ones of other people that interfere with you. Life sustains a delicate balance between chaos and order, and we have the talent to tilt it towards any of both sides.

  So...dear reader, stay true to yourself and remain determined, as if you don’t withstand it...maybe it is your neck that snaps next.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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