Chapter 1

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Embre's POV

   I really hate high school. It's only the second day of freshmen year, and already people are assholes. But the plus side is that there are really hot guys here.

   All of them are amazingly tan and muscular, and they are the bad asses of the school. There's also girls that look like them, too. They skip school every few days. And they are constantly messing with people's minds.

   But back to me. I am fifteen with blonde hair that goes past my waist and hazel eyes. If the sun hits my eyes just right, they're ocean blue. I am 5'1 I lost a lot of weight over the summer so I guess you could say I have curves, but I'm also not as big as I was.

   Since highschool started, I've been receiving notes in my locker. I always throw them away though. And...

   "Embre! Where were you all summer?" Calie yells. Great all eyes on me now. 

   "I was working most of the time. But during my free time I was running a lot. Why do you ask?" I say as she stands in front of me.

   Calie is taller than I am by a head and a half; so she is about 5'11. She has raven black hair that reaches her shoulders and violet eyes. She is from the amazingly tanned group, but she is really nice compared to the others.

   "Hey... um.. Earth to Embre. But Be... I mean Alarick is coming this way. You wouldn't have any idea why, would you?" Calie asks in a panicky tone.

   "Uh.. who?" I say back. Bad choice of words. I am slammed against the lockers by the one and only, Alarick Reeds. He is another person from that tanned group I was telling you about. They have like exceptionally good hearing. Which sucks for me cause I am now basically sitting in a locker.

   His breathing is heavy and his cologne is really strong. Enough to make anyone gag from a mile away. Second day of school and I already have enemies. Great.

   "I heard that you have no idea who I am. Is that true, princess?" he says in a sickeningly attempt of a seductive voice.

   I'm starting to get light headed. I feel something drizzle down my neck, so I lift my fingers to it. Alarick is still rambling on and in but I can't hear a thing he says. I bring my hand to my face and see blood on my finger tips. Alaric has placed me back on the ground and is staring at my hand.

   "Embre!" Calie is running towards me with some guy on her tail.


Michael's POV

   "Alpha Michael! I need your help!" Calie, my gamma and little sister, yells from across the hall. Sometimes she's lucky she is my sister.

   "What's going on? You know what, just show me," I command.

   I hear crying and Alarick yelling. Then it just stops. I'm still in the first floor trying to get there as fast as I can, but I can't use my extra speed cause there's humans at this school. Why did they have to make this school like a fucking castle. Hell we only need three flours not five.

   'Alarick! What the hell is happening?' I mindlink Alarick.

   'Michael, man, I fucked up big time. I...I don't know what happened. One minute she's just talking to Embre, and next I have her slammed against a locker...'  Alarick says.

   I run faster cause I can smell blood. All the screeming has stopped, and everyone was looking at me. Same thing evryday. I smell the blood, but I also smell blackberries and vanilla. I see a girl in Alarick's grip. Her hand is held up to her face. Oh shit.

   "Embre!" Calie yells to the girl. She's... Human. The girl, Embre, starts to fall, and i am immediately by her side to catch her. Her beautiful hazel eyes flutter close. 

   "I'll deal with him after I get you to the doctor, my little mate."


I know it's a short chapter, but I didn't know what to write. I hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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