Untitled being the Title.

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"I've had a lot of crushes, and a lot of likes but I've never had a soulmate.

I'm an old soul living in the Twenty-first century.

As a high school girl, a junior to be exact, I've succumbed to the idea that love does not exist. I'm at the point of creating my own system.

1st stage- Crush; Being attracted to that person for a short period of time.

2nd stage- Like, like; It's when the Crush stage develops into something more. It's wondering about that person and becoming psychologically possessive. It's wanting to be more then friends and wanting a relationship for more then their looks.

Stage 3- Puppy love; It's the time most couples start the infamous "I love you-ing." They're empty words expressed when you're desperate to keep that person by your side. They consume your every thought and leave you in a position of worry and doubt. It's usually when couples decide to get a lot more serious and upgrade the PDA.

Stage 4- Spiritually bonded/Soulmate;This stage is the critical and relationship goal of goals. This is the stage where you're deciding what college to apply for- together. It's the famous time in a relationship where you pay close attention to the smaller details and when you start looking for an apartment together.

I'm a high school girl, and that's really my take on what you would call Love today, or even your Soulmate. Having someone by your side to hold, mold, and support you is a very important element in life that we all want to find. It's the very essence of being a human being.

They say a happily ever after, is a story that hasn't ended yet.

I believe it.

My story starts with me on a normal day. I have a lot of those, but this day was abstractly normal since I go to a school of the arts. It's also the day I got my first real crush, more so my first real Like, like. I believe, that he's my soulmate. I don't picture the guys at my school as anything more than boys, but him? He's all man. Surly that's a sign! This young man, that beats all of my expectations, will be mines one day. Surely that what a soulmate is... Or maybe it's the connection I make when I really don't want to. How many times has life shoved me down, with no other reason being, because it can? Do soulmates even exist? Or is that a luxory gone extinct with chivalry and Love?

"A soulmate is someone your destined to be with" but in reality, it's someone you connect with more than everyone else. It's the future irratation you can't live without. A bottle of ectasy and wonder waiting for your lips to take the sip. In reality, your soulmate is your subconscious dirty addiction.

To dumb it down because I was beginning to confuse myself...

A soulmate is simply a person.

Untitled Is The TitleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora