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Have you ever seen those people who look like they don't belong? Those people that look so beautiful they're almost godly? Their skin looks unblemished, etched tightly over defined muscles, hair silky and topped off with an ethereal glow. You catch a glimpse of them on the streets, and they seem to glide past everyone. Sometimes people part and stop just to admire them. Some of the creatures seem to blend in a little too much for it to be normal. They're so normal that you can't help but question.

I had never noticed these creatures before, until an encounter I had just two short years ago.

I remember it so well, if only a little hazy in between. It was a morning that felt different for some reason, though everything was as usual. Nothing out of place. The sky was a little grey with sunlight speckled through, so the rain had probably stopped before I woke. Shower, work clothes, coffee; done. Off to work.

The car drive happened as usual, the radio playing quietly in the background. I parked in my usual space, locked the car and entered the building. I worked at a hotel as a receptionist at this time. After what happened I couldn't go back to my life I had before the incident, leaving my old life behind. So as I walked up to the automatic doors my colleagues greeted me with the usual "Hey Leonard" or "Yo Len". I smiled back at them. I was a kind person, sometimes a little too kind. Maybe that was what put me in this mess.

Anyways, when I got to my reception desk Drew was there in his uniform identical to mine. His auburn hair was unruly, unlike my blond hair; combed and then spiked at the front. I have always been fascinated by his hair; a deep, autumn red. Natural as well. Unfortunately I found that out at our Christmas party. Things got real crazy and a certain drunken Drew ended up losing his pants and boxers. Not exactly a pleasant memory. A funny one, though.

Work went as usual, customers came in and out. Checking in and out, booking rooms and suites. Drew and I chatted.

Then, there was a customer that came in. I know what you're thinking, wow how fascinating. But hear me out. This guy looked so beautiful it was ridiculous. He glided in, and it looked like he was floating a centimetre off the ground. I even peeked to see if he was but his feet were rooted firmly to the floor boards. The way in which he walked reminded me of when dancers do those really fast moves where their feet just flow with every jolt, making it impossible to tell what exactly they're doing. He walked with such finesse, how was this even possible? So fascinated by this I didn't even realise when he had reached my counter.

That was when he shifted on his feet. I came to my senses, feeling startled and stupid that I hadn't noticed him there. My eyes came to gaze upon his face and what I saw stuck with me forever. His face was so smooth. So, so silky. I wanted to touch it so bad. It probably felt like water. The colour of his skin was a creamy caramel tint. It was a light kind of brown, like the cream in coffee.

His eyes were deep black, shadowed and defined. It looked like a grey was swirled inside. The eyelids he had were pulled out a little, resembling someone of Asian background. The Asian look was added to with midnight blue-black hair. It shined a navy blue in the light of the windows in the lobby. It made me think of feathers, how they all fall in the same direction, so perfectly placed and glossy. His hair looked nothing like feathers though. It was just so shiny and perfect.

I was so entranced with this man. I have always been straight. I've never hated homosexuals either. At that moment however - If this man asked me to sleep with him I have no shadow of a doubt I would've. They say everyone is gay for someone, and I guess I found that one person.

"Hello," He said. That was all he said so far yet my knees buckled slightly under me with the sound of his voice. Then I thought I would seriously do anything to hear it again. Anything. It was amazing. And luckily, I didn't have to do anything to hear it once more. "I'd like to book a room for the 4th, and then for the 9th also." That smooth, caressing voice. Thick like honey. The words dripped from his thin lips and I actually put my hands on the desk so that I could feel the vibrations next time he spoke. God, I felt so stupid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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