Mr Rockstar

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He looked on into the crowd, a bead of sweat rolling down his face, fans screamed his name loudly and he smirked. This was his life and he wouldn't have it any other way. He began to sing the first few notes of the song while strumming his guitar, the crowd went wild, screaming and crying yet he didn't even bat an eyelid.

"Marry me Blaze." Came a voice from the crowd, looking up at them, Blaze let his eyes graze past them but it was enough to send them into a frenzy.

They all loved him and he knew it, boy did he know it, after all being told by millions of people how brilliant you are is bound to get to a guy's head.

"I want to do something a bit different for my next song. This song is going to be dedicated to one of you out here today. Now everyone was handed a wristband on the way in. One of you will have a golden line engrained into it." He saw the audience lift up their wrists glancing for the oh so sacred line.

"It's you!" A girls voice squealed. Blaze looked at the girl as her lips parted in a gasp. Bless her, he thought, it must be scary for her meeting her idol.

"Come on up." Blaze beckoned her on to stage as she began to pushed through the crowd by people around her. She began shaking her head mouthing what looked like profanities. As the girl came closer his thoughts were confirmed she was in fact swearing. She must be a nervous swearer, he thought after all who wouldn't want to meet the superstar that was Blaze.

He grabbed her arm closing the distance between the two of them and looked her up and down. He nodded in approval and pulled her closer."Don't be shy sweetheart, how are you feeling?"

"Over the fricking rainbow." She mumbled not knowing the mic would pick up everything she said.

"Isn't that lovely guys, she's over the rainbow to be here. That is lovely, what did you say your name was?"

"I didn't. It's Ivory." She added quickly onto the end not wanting to be attacked by angry Blaze fans. Sensing the tension within the arena, Blaze released the girl and shoved her into the stool placed centre stage.

"Well this next song is dedicated to the lovely Ivory. Please enjoy, this is Killer heart."

Ivory had no idea what he was singing about, nor the lyrics to the irritating tune. All Ivory knew was that she was stuck on stage with a guy who clearly didn't understand sarcasm. Over the fricking rainbow how could someone not understand sarcasm in that sentence. He began to walk closer to her locking eyes.
"Oh, no." She thought as he approached her. She looked away uncomfortably but to everyone else it probably looked like she was embarrassed for catching his oh so famous stare. He was attractive, Ivory couldn't deny that but personality was definitely a lacking quality within him.

"Will it ever end." She muttered but alas it appeared as if the fates despised her as not only did the song go on for another three minutes but the mic also picked up her not so quite murmur making the rest of the song just plain awkward for everyone. As soon as the song finished she ran off stage not even bothering to say goodbye to embarrassed to deal with looking at him.

"Well everyone that was Ivory, erm well that was meant to be the big finisher for the show so yeah goodnight I guess." With that he walked off stage as the crowd screamed for him. He was still in shock that the girl didn't like him, who didn't like him? He had to know why she was like that was it an act to get his attention or did someone actually not like him.

"Gregor, get that girl from before here, we need to have a little chat."

Mr RockstarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora