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Its 4 pm Mr. John received a call from a recipient that boss is calling him. He was sorting the files of new employees then. After receiving the call he rushed to the boss office. Boss was waiting for him in an aggressive anger.

Boss: Mr. John what you are up to nowadays.

Pardon sir,

Boss: Have a seat. I have been told by one of your seniors that you have mixed up recruitment documents with company's policy files.

John: Sorry sir it was a mistake who told you that.

Boss: No John, It was another mistake.

John: It was break time when Miss Shenela brought some recruitment files to me. I told her I will see them later but she didn't listen and left them on my table. There were policy files scattered around and I mixed them up accidentally.

Boss: Again your lame excuses.

John: I promise it is not gonna happen again, sir .

Boss: Mr john, as you are a respectable employee, and its been years since you are here and you have been given many warnings before but I am giving you one last warning, though I said that thrice before. But next time your ass is gonna be kicked out. Got it.He said that with polite anger.

John left the office and went to the anger zone located near the meeting room. He locked the room and started abusing the Boss for 15 minutes.

After half an hour, he came back and started his work in front of his computer.

It was another bad day for him. He had to make another experiment in his life, he was thinking...Maybe it's not my field of work...May I would have lived in a jungle with no tensions of his social life and no future insecurities. No tensions of raising the family. All we have to do is to feed ourselves with crops and hunt. Maybe I could have a job as a government primary teacher and had a fixed salary. Not based on my performance. Random thoughts were flushing in is mind.

He is Hr manager in his office. His wife Linda had gone to the market for some groceries and stuff. When he reached home none of his kids were at home. He grabbed a cigarette in route and started smoking in a smoking zone.

Its 25th century every third person is having mental related issues and the government has provided people with different zones across public and private areas of the country and also it is just to have that zones in your homes as well and a proper routine check is done once a month.

John: quietly went to husband's relief zone and started screaming.

The country is divided into three portions. One is for abandons, one for regular inhabitants and one of lgbts.

Abandons occupy the area with no provided facilities by the government and not under by any laws or regulations by the government and can't leave the area. They include people with rare diseases and disabilities and jobless ones. All wild animals had been thrown out to abandons area.

LGBT's were separated and only can work in clerical jobs and as factories employs. They have no proper health facilities as well. They can't leave the area and guards always keep an eye on them.

There are specific timings for couple meetings and if not obeyed one of them can report to the authorities. In order to get a social contact one can hire a meeting with a social professional in a social zone. And they are one of the highest paid ones in the country. Friendships were highly forbidden as it could lead to increase in population. Marriages are declared officially. 

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