hunger games

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Chapter 1

It's been 8 years  since the war has ended. Me and Peeta have never been happier Our oldest child,the girl is 4 . Her brother is 3. He looks just like Peeta but acts like me.We live in the victor's village. Ever since the kids were able to talk they ask me why it's called this but I never tell them, it scares me too much.Peeta tells them to stop asking, but it's no use.They are strong children but they get scared every time there father Goes out of control.Peeta and I have nightmares our children don't know why any of this happens .The thought of the horrid event that happened what feels like so long ago brings chills  down my back. The Games, The Hunger Games.The country is in a calm state right now but I have a feeling that something going to change soon ,and I can tell Peeta thinks so to. Me and Peeta are on a walk in the square. The children are watching over there Uncle Haymitch.I'm tense  Peeta can tell because he ask me,"what's wrong".I whisper ,"something is going on".He gives me a fake laugh and he walks on, maybe he thinks I didn't know.When we get to Haymitch he is drunk like always.We walk in he automatically ask for the bottle of liquor I usually bring. I didn't have any,Peeta told me to stop bringing it to him he already had enough from the capital every month. I don't like being around Haymitch too much,he reminds me too much of the games. I go home and my daughter Rue comes in after she hears my screams.I must have fell asleep Peeta was standing there comforting me.Peeta is my rock.We went down stairs he sat on the couch I sat next down next to him and lay my head on his shoulder .I drifted to sleep.I had a dream about my children rue had blond hair and grey eyes like her father.She looks just like prim.

Cinna on the other hand had dark brown hair and blue eyes like me.Then the kids  came in from  the park.I just woke up and was helping peeta prepare dinner then cinna said “mommy we meet uncle gale at the park and he told us about the hunger games”. At that point I past out .When I woke up I was in the bedroom with peeta.i looked around apparently he could tell i needed  help to figure out what was going on. “ you're  finally up sleepy head.You were asleep almost a look hungry  I’ll get you some if the soup i made for dinner”.I got  upand started looking throw the night stand looking for somting to remind me of gale  i hadent thought of him since i started my life with peeta.i dug down and found the thing that started it gold mockingjay pin atached to it was a that moment peeta walked in “Where did you get that we havent seen it scince the revolution”. “in the night stand”I said. at that moment i opened the note it read “your still the mockingjay we still need you” “who needs you”said peeta “i don't know but i dont want to be the mockingjay” “ its not like you have much of a choice” said peeta “you didn’t last time” at that moment a crash came through the door  i ran to the stairs where i saw hamich stumblin in with a bottle of liquor i went back upstairs to see if they were alright. when i went back downstairs i heard peeta and haymitch talking. “you have to get her out of here” said haymitch “why what's going on” said peeta  i’ve never heard him sound like that even when he was hijacked.then at that very moment an arrow came out of nowhere and hit haymitch he was dead.the voice i dreaded to hear said “Do I still have good aim catnip." Gale.

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