Один \1/

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In Moscow that day, sun was shinning brighter then other days. The way towards Sheremetyevo Airport was going well until the phone suddenly rang.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"I can't believe it, Krista! You're forgetting me..."

She realised that in the other line was her best friend, Tatyana, who was already in Arabia.

"No, Tatya. How could I forget about my best friend? I am so excited for our specialization. That's it. How have you been?" Krista asked Tatya.

"Krista, you wouldn't believe me if I told you, I'm so happy. Like, this project is going to be so perfect, Arabia is very beautiful and our hotel, Krista... The most luxury hotel in whole Arabia." Tatya responded, sounding like she was daydreaming.

"Haha, you know me so well..." Said Krista and Tatya laughed.

"Hey listen. I still don't know why you suggested Arabia for our documentary. You know something I don't." Krista asked.

"Well, I thought it would be special and different. As long as your project is called 'Uniquely'. Don't you think girl?''

"Wow, yes. Actually it makes sense now that you put it that way."

Before she could say something else, Krista saw the lights of the airport.

"Tatya, I arrived at the airport. See you soon... Don't forget to wait me..." Said Krista as she 'threatened' Tatya which in fact made her laugh.

"I won't . Хорошие Дороги ( Have a nice trip)" Tatya greeted.

"Спасибо (Thank you)." Krista hanged up and took a look at the airport in front of her. From now on, a new adventure was about to start. From there, something new was going to happen. Since then, Krista crossed her fingers, praying and hoping everything to go well, and slowly stepping inside the airport.

Uniquely Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt