The Inadequate Recount

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I rip out the chapters one, two, three, four

Crumpled balls that lie on the floor

Forgive and forget

But that hasn't happened yet

It never will as i try t find an outlet

It's still not all out yet

I can't forget

As i'm filled with this regret

A seven chapter book is all it came to be

When i tried to write what came to me

Bound by this shame

All brought on by one name

One singular name

As i twist them into my game

This guilt wears me raw

As i try to recall every detail of every moment i saw

Only one face is in them all

As I try to rewrite all the chapters in my barely legible scrawl

The chapters were wrong the first time

I tried fitting everything into the perfect rhyme

I tried to give this intense feeling one encompassing name

As i felt like a moth being drawn to the most brilliant flame

In reality it's like the crumpled paper on the floor

Mounting higher and higher until it can't climb any more

Everything was a giant mess

I told it all, without a second guess

You were bound to understand

It was illogical to deny we fit hand in hand

I didn't even happen to hide

what i was feeling inside

Message after message I sent

They became ridiculously frequent

I didn't know how to stop

This seven chapter book's bound to be a flop

I can't sum up how you made me feel

Because to me it was unreal

All i could think was you and me

I'd finally set my heart free

It wouldn't be weighed down with not knowing

Never worrying about my true feeling showing

It was my fauly as i blatantly said

I can't seem to get the thought of you from my head

So you see

This is the spell you had on me

This too is an inadequate description

This isn't an accurate depiction

This book has only one person's view

And it's mine of you

I can't describe the rush

Or how you quieted my brain to a hush

This does not convey the severity

This isn't said in perfect clarity

I try desperately to explain how my brain jumps to you automatically

It is incapable of being said adequately

So this book will never be what i expect

As another page i reject


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