little habits

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every morning jooheon wakes up to see his boyfriend's beautiful face pressed into his chest. every morning he gets to see his best friend and lover sleeping soundly against him, and he could never be happier. he runs his hands through the dark hair, twirling the soft locks between his fingers. every moment he spends next to changkyun is a moment he will never forget. he presses his lips to the younger's forehead in a 'good morning' although he is still sleeping. he plays with his hands, tracing words or patterns over them. he stays silent and calm until changkyun wakes up. when the sleeping beauty finally opens his eyes, the first words they speak to each other are 'i love you'.

changkyun loves the mornings when he wakes up still wrapped in his sleeping boyfriend's arms. jooheon has always moved while he sleeps but he is completely still when they lay in bed together. the younger feels like these moments were the calm before the storm. nothing but them in their own world, uninterrupted by their busy lives as idols. every moment he spends next to jooheon is a moment that feels blessed by god himself. changkyun finds himself pressing soft kisses on the sleeping boy's neck. he stares at his hyung and wonders 'what did i do to be given as great of a gift as you'. when the older wakes up, changkyun smiles and kisses his lips, ignoring their gross morning breath, and mutters small confessions and praises to the other.

the quiet times they have are interrupted usually, most commonly kihyun who is making them get up to practice or go to schedules. they treasure their quiet times, the little habits they've gained over the years making them happy and content.

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