Aleera Mathews

13 1 0

I awoke to the sun shining through my window. Flipping over i check my phone to see its almost 8 in the morning. "Well, there goes sleeping in" i sigh to myself. It seems like its impossible to sleep in past 9 now a days.

Looking around my room lost in a daze i realize just how many band posters coated my walls, almost no spot left uncovered. I might be 22 but it feels like im still 18 at heart. Something feels off, like im forgetting something. Sighing for what seems like the 50th time this morning a drag myself out of bed to get ready for the day.

Dragging my feet over to my closet i quickly pick out some black ripped skinny jeans and an oversized plain white hoodie throwing it on and headed to the bathroom down the hall of my tiny apartment. Looking in the mirror i sighed once again. You see i have long brown hair and really deep green eyes. I might only be 5'2 but im almost covered in tattoos.

Brushing my teeth then trying to tame my hair (which was almost impossible) i nodded in content then headed to kitchen to start making breakfast.

Getting to the kitchen, i plugged my phone into my speakers to start playing music, im not a vampire from falling in reverse started up and i got straight to cooking some pancakes for me and my daughter copeland.

Its hard being a single mom sometimes but i manage, i work at this cute little tattoo shop just down the street with my bestfriend and make decent money there. Its fun being able to do what i enjoy and get paid for it. At first i wanted to produce music but that dream was crushed when i found out i was pregnant. Of course i still write music and its still one of the most important things to me but its nice being able to keep it to myself. I dont feel the need to share it with world.

"Happy birthday mama" i hear as something small wrapped around my legs. Looking down i smiled to see my cute 4 year old daughter look up at me with her stunning blue eyes. "Wow, they look just like her dads" Wait, birthday??? Realization hit me that its November 16th. My 23rd birthday. Picking up my daughter and swinging her around she giggled

"Awe thanks sweetie" i laughed out setting her down. "Go sit at the table and ill bring you some breakfast ok?"

"Ok mama" she said as she skipped over to the table singing along to the music, or trying to considering she doesn't know every word yet. She kinda just mumbles whatever word she doesn't know. Im so glad to see her enjoy music the way i did growing up.

I had a rough childhood, my brother died when he was only 3 months old and my mom was mentally unstable since then. My dad started drinking right after and soon became an alcoholic. He was never violent to us, he would just sit on the couch, watch t.v and drink tell he passed out. He passed away when i was 16, even though he wasn't the best dad i still loved him. Same goes for my mother, ever since i could remember i had to take care of my mom, she had given up on life right after my brother, i was only 7. About three years after my dad passed away and i moved out she just couldn't handle this life anymore. I still remember that night clearly.


"Love you too, bye" i spoke after getting off the phone with my mom. Something felt off, she seemed out of place, more than usual. Brushing it off as just a bad day i went back to drawing.

Six hours later, looking down at a very detailed picture of a wolf i sighed in content and got up to get some water. Something really doesn't feel right.

The course of youre not alone by of mice and men started blaring and i looked down at my phone to see a private number calling.

"Hello?" I asked a bit sceptical. The last time a private number called it was the police telling me my dad had passed away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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