Chapter I

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A young man enters the room with a container full of cold water, his raven black hair sways along the warm 8 am wind. His cobalt blue eyes look over to the open window which allows the wind to go inside. He slowly goes over to the sleeping figure.

He sat down at the edge of the bed and places the container beside it. He gazes at his sister sleeping peacefully. He gently taps her shoulders, earning a groan from her. Her ebony hair shines as the sunlight hits it. Her bangs were covering her forehead, and it is also long enough to cover her eyes.

"Jade, if you don't wake up I am going to pour this water over you." He softly says. The girl named Jade slowly opened her eyes to reveal her glowing jade green eyes. She rubbed it a few times to get use to the brightness. Once she has done that, Jade glares at his brother John, who was grinning with his bucktooth showing.

"John, why would you pour water at me?" Jade ask John, questioningly. John just smiles and rubbed the back of his neck. Jade rolls her eyes at him, because of his foolishness.

"W-what water??" He asks innocently. Jade looks at him then glances to container of water beside him. He saw where Jade glanced and quickly threw the container outside. Jade laughed at his panic.

"John, you might pour it on someone-" Jade immediately got cut off by someone screaming and cussing outside.

" WHAT THE HELL IT'S NOT EVEN FREAKING RAINING?!" They quickly ran over to the open window and saw their neighbor. His soot black hair soaked, his candy red eyes filled with rage.

"Ughh, sorry Karkat!! Hehe" He shouts over, to who Karkat quickly looks at him with disgust. John smiled showing his two front teeth.

"John, you should do better than
that." Jade said grinning, while gazing towards Karkat; who was full with rage. He hastily walks over to his house.

Jade turned her attention to John, who was still watching their neighbor's house. She gently taps his shoulder, earning a confused look from him. His raven black hair flows, along with the wind.

"Why did you wake me up this early?" Jade asks, her jade green eyes, filled with curiosity. John covered his eyes with his hand. He turned towards his sister. His gaze suddenly became serious.

"The royal guards, are coming." He said, firmly. Jade's eyes widen. She immediately got ready. Casting an enchantment, which took 2.5 seconds to work. She quickly teleported to the village.

She wore a hood with long black sleeves with the space symbol; along with long black skirt. White and black socks. Matching a ruby red flat shoes.

Jade quickly pulled the hood over her head. Guards are around,
everywhere. Knocking unto each ones houses. Jade quickly went hid in a narrow alley. With steady breaths as guards went pass her.

Until she felt a cold iron to her throat. She panicked for a second.

"Say one of your spell and I promise you, this sword will cut through your throat." A familiar male voice said. Jade didn't need to turn, to know who that voice belongs to. It was an all to familiar voice.

It belonged to the and only.

Dave Strider, The knight and prince of this place.


p.s. I was "kind of" satisfied on how I wrote this chapter so I only had to copy and paste this 😂😂

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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