No Boundaries

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When you get asked a question, you would usually search it up, right? Go to Google and get millions of answers in just a few milliseconds I suppose. What is love, for example, that answer has to come from the heart, and your heart only. Just like someone who's gone, they remain in your heart.

It all started back in Elementary School. You may be thinking, how could you truly love someone at such a young age? I didn't. At least, I didn't know it was love. All I knew is that I wanted to be with them.

We grew into teens together, but we were never close. It wasn't until a few years later when I knew I wanted to get closer to that person, but it would be too late.

I only remember small things about them, it's been well over a year now. I remember giving them a nervous look in an unknown place, but just their eyes calmed me down. I remember us talking and laughing on the swings. Their smile made me smile, too. 

Do I miss them? Of course, I do, I can never truly stop thinking about them. Everything they did seemed so perfect in my eyes. One perfect memory stuck out, just like a needle in a haystack. And like a needle, it still pricks me.

We were at the beach. The waves were crashing onto the warm shore, and it was my first time actually going into the water, far enough for the waves to reach above my belly button. I was worried sick. Just the thought that I could drown today made me want to cover myself with a towel and just never even let a toe touch the Pacific. My heart was beating a million miles per hour, and I looked down at my hand, it was slightly shaking. But they changed it, all.

They got closer to me and held my hand. They looked into my icy blue eyes and I glanced back at their beautiful, hypnotizing pupils and almost got lost in them. With them, I began taking deeper breaths, and I was more content than before we met in the water. 

"Don't worry, you'll be fine," They said. 

Just like that, a wave of relief washed over me and I trusted them. I believed I would be safe with them. Once we got deeper, the ocean wasn't that bad. But for the first time in hours, the icy blue depths wasn't the topic in my mind. 
It was them, their composure, their reassurance. I had fallen for them, on the spot. I just hoped that they caught me.

They never did. They packed their suitcase and left, leaving all of the memories only to be in my head. You never know how badly you need that person until they leave, and the fact that they were gone hit me like a train, and I couldn't hop off.

For just one moment, our connection had no boundaries... 

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