Suit Up! Suit Down!- part 1

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To our unconventional relationship and our mutual love for marvel...
NOTE- Hey guys, this is my first time publishing on Wattpad. Or anywhere for that matter. So as all of you can imagine,i'm kind of shitting my pants. This is just something I've been working on and experimenting with. Having said that, I would love to hear your comments on how it is.

Maria Hill opened the door to her room onboard the quincarrier. She collapsed on the single bed placed in one corner of the small room. A work table and a chest of drawers were the only other accessories in the room.
Being Fury's right hand (or left eye) didn't mean you got all the perks.
Maria massaged her temples, trying to ease the throbbing she felt inside. Having the Avengers on board a pressurised metal container was nothing short of a celestial headache. They weren't soldiers. They were a bunch of gifted brats.
Especially Tony Stark. Selfish, pretentious, overtly arrogant. Sometimes she couldn't decide which was bigger- his brains or his ego.
Yet she couldn't deny that the way he spoke (utter bullshit at times) or the way his eyes met hers across the room made her want to discover the man beneath the iron suit. Wether their was an aspect of him bigger than his brain or ego.
She zipped her suit down and removed her bra from under the black tank top she wore inside. She was still thinking about things she ought not to be thinking about- like wether Tony Stark's slight Stubble would leave burn marks or her breast or not.
It was a tough life she led- high risk and full of tension. She was allowed her little pleasures.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Hill called out.
There was no reply. Pulling on a pair of track pants and grabbing her gun from beneath the pillow, she opened the door. To meet Tony Stark's dark eyes and cocky grin on the other side.
"Very hospitable." He said, pointing to the gun.
Maria's face was placid. Yet inside she was smiling.
"What do you want Stark?"
"Companionship." He invited himself in. "Someone to talk to. Someone who isn't an old man, a green monster or a god with the hammer of death."
"And you think I ....
He didn't give her a chance to finish. He'd already crossed the room and started kissing her. It was gentle, the way his lips tugged at hers. His arms were around her waist but they were hesitant. As if he were holding back.
She suddenly pushed him away. Though her hand lingered over the blue light of his arc reactor.
"What the hell was that Stark?" She wasn't going to let him have it that easy. "I don't do it with men who are taken."
Tony raised and eyebrow. "I'm not taken. And don't tell me you didn't enjoy it."
Maria decided to ignore the last statement. "Oh, so you're telling me that Potts was just a fiction of your overactive imagination?"
Tony sighed. "Pepper and I..are on a break." His face looked strained. Maria's only looked stubborn. But inside, what she really wanted to do was rip his shirt apart.
Tony looked at her for a while. How her arms were crossed over her chest, the curves of her slender waist. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her onto his lap.
"And to be honest." He continued. "I think you're hot. You're intelligent. Don't know about funny, because I've never see you smile. But the scowl adds to the hotness. And.."
he took the gun from her hand and prodded it against her breast. "It would take more than a Glock to pierce through that flesh."
Hill involuntarily bit the inside part of her lip. This couldn't be so bad, she thought. Especially given the new found erectness in her breast. Plus, no one would get to know. Before she had the time to change her mind, she would her arms around his neck and kissed him. 
It was urgent this time. Filled with need and desperation. After all, it had been long. For the both of them. Tony's hand crept under her shirt, up her slender back as Maria's teeth sunk into his flesh, pulling at his lower lip.
Suddenly Tony pulled back. He was breathing hard. And so was Maria.
"Okay, Tony." Maria got up and started walking towards the bed. "If we're going to do this, we're going to do this by my rules."
"What? No!" Tony got up and started. " I'm always....
But Maria had already slipped off her shirt and turned to face him. Her C cup boobs were perky and erect and grabbing him by the hair, started kissing him again.
She tugged at his shirt and he lifted his arms. His shirt came off and both of them stood there, shirtless in each other's arms. Tony's hands squeezed her boob and she moved her lips down, tracing his chin and jawline until they reached the soft skin of his neck. She bit him and felt his hands move down to close over her ass.
Maria sighed. She continued sucking on his skin, stopping only occasionally to reposition his hands over her ass. This was turning out to be too much fun for her. And she knew he was having fun too. If how he slyly led her hands to stroke his boner was an indication. Or how when she pulled back, the skin under her lips was purple.
Maria smiled and licked her lips.
"You know what." Tony said." Maybe we should play by your rules after all."
"Well, in that case." Maria replied. "It's been a long day. Why don't we go for a shower?"



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