The Giver. [An MJ Fantasy Written From Passion]

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Chapter 1 "Are You Lonely?"

Catching the air circulating the vault of heaven. It passes my ears, and the rest of the Body. And standing in front of the Video store, I've entered over 500 times during the humid summers.

I roamed down the streets of where it stands. strolling myself into the front door as the mother and the child marches before me. I tuck my hair behind my ears, Strutting down over to the Horror section. I felt eyes burning into my back as I grabbed a hold of, The silence of the lambs, The Exorcist, Psycho, and The shining." I strolled on over to the wooden check out desk where that Man-boy stood waiting for me to have a nice conversation. I never spoke up to him, I had nothing that will keep him going. His friends would just watch his fail instead of helping out. How pathetic are they. Too bad I can't rate that.

"Oh you shouldn't watch this, it would freak you out and make you look crazy to everyone." He spoke as if he was trying to protect from a movie I've watched 10 times. He was having a hard time checking out one specific one I've never really tuned into, and began smiling nervously at me but I just stared unamused and not in th mood. He finally checks it out and puts it in the small beige plastic bag.

"So just minus this- this right.. ok." He slides psycho to the side of the desk and graciously beamed at me. I can see the innocense and sweetness in his smile. I just wish I could see what's in his eyes. I snagged the bag politely and out the door I was, without a single word to say to anything or anyone.

He frowned and sighed looking at his fellow comrads smirk and hide their faces from him. He glared over at them and ignored their silly expression.

"Jackson that's the 50th time she turned you down." Reese said laying back on his childlike spinning chair.

"What are you talking about, I guess she's just not in the mood." Michael said covering for how she acts all the time.

"She's never in the mood, she's creepy man." Reese said sternly and joking in a way.

"She's not creepy, she's just to herself... That's what I like about her, she doesn't open up quickly like those other women." Michael heaved, sitting in his chair.

"Give him a break, if he likes her and wants to chase after her then let him." Zaine said backing up for Michael like he usual does.

"Yeah were sorry mik- Jason cut him off with the eyes that can see from a mile away.

"I was just trying to catch my breathe don't put me in this." Jason defended his self pressing his hand against his chest.

"Ok, I'm sorry.. She's not creepy.. She's just alittle Lonely or something." Reese released hoping that it wouldn't be either.

"Whatever... just forget about it, I understand that you guys care about my love life and all but I can handle it.." They all sighed knowing he was being serious with them. Michael began sat down noticing he forget to get her information off. He saw her address and stared at it for a good 5 minutes. He just wanted to know where she lived, it wasn't creepy at all to him. He just wanted to take a quick visit and see where she stays. He took out a peice of a paper and began writing down the address and checking if the boys were suspicious. Besides my aunt lives there.

"Alright." He spun himself around and got up from the seat. "Anyway are you coming with us to see Jacob's Laddert?" Reese always had a movies planned on weekdays, they would either turn out to be terrible or very amusing.

"Uhm.. no .. I have to check on my aunt, she's. Ill." I lied of course.

"Oh tell her I wish her the best and all, we'll catch up later."

Michael sat around the books thinking of what will happen if he went there. Would she catch in the act or will she not notice anything. "I'll just tell her my great aunt lives here and she's very ill" Sometimes he just think his ideas are worthless. The last time he tried to follow her home, he ended up at his brother's house in L.A. Maybe she was staying in L.A for a day and left me there knowing I was right behind her. She might be waiting for him to come to her door so she could stab him. Therefore he would never bother her again but he fell so much in love with her.

They closed up heading in a different direction from Michael.

Michael had quickly approached his car, ready to go her appartment.

12 minutes later.

He closed the door behind him and noticed A deep Parking lot. He didn't live there so he waited for somene to enter. He waited for a while until a car had immediatly drove in.

He looked both ways seeing if anyone was watching and ran inside going up the stairs.

"Damn." He mumbled. He pressed random buttons on the speaker and a lady spoke dryly as if she was sleeping a whole century. I know over exaggerated but her voice was rusting.

"Ye- Yes.." She coughed.

"Uh... ermm.. Package!"

"What?" Her voice was very scratchy and Michael was disgusted a bit.

"UPS!" He yelled nervously. The door opened and he opened the rest traveling inside. He goes up to 5th floor.. the last door to the left.

He walked back and fourth nervous if he should try to ask her out on a date or something.. But what if she was creeped out about him following her home like last time. But luckly she didn''t noticed.

He looked into the window a bit and saw her legs moving up and down.

"Oh god.." His eyes were glued, her legs looked creamy and comfortable to fit around. They were like golden twinkie that he could eat almost everyday. He bites his bottom lip but stops thinking of himself as being a pervert but he definately was not. she probably just got out of the shower.

It was late and he had to be at work at 7 in the morning, if he couldn just sleep one night with her body around his. He's known her for a half year, he deserves to say how sexy and how much he wants her in a way. But it seem like she pushing herself from boys.

He sighed, he was clever to know that someone would catch him, and call the police. He went back to his car and drove off to the parking lot. Apprently he lost his house a thousand times but he doesn't mind sleeping in his car. Still haven't told any of his friends and doesn't need anyone's help. He tired of making them pay for his stuff. And with that he gently went into his dreams, with Lily.

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