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A/N: Happy Valentine's Day minna-san! This is my valentine's gift to you, a short fluffy 5986 story. it gets a teensy bit heated but nothing you know... happens so.. Anyways, ENJOY!!

Disclaimer: I am getting tired of saying this but KHr! does not belong to me.

Hayato hated Miura Haru. It was fact well-known by his allies and enemies alike. The woman was loud, brash, disrespectful and had that weird way of saying 'ha-hi' a lot. They tolerated each other-barely-for Tsuna's sake but their animosity for each other was strong as it had been ten years ago, when they first met. It seemed that it was their unwavering loyalty for Sawada Tsunayoshi only which restrained them maiming each other.

So when Decimo called the green-eyed bomber in his office and informed him that his partner for the next mission will be Haru, he immediately protested. They were not compatible, besides their styled were too different. While both of them were Storms, he was the kind that charged in destroying everything in his path. She preferred to delude her victims in thinking that she was just a gust and attacked them in their vulnerable state. Moreover, they loathed each other; any attempt at cooperation from either of them would probably result in an argument.

Tsuna, with his Hyper-Intuition, had seen it coming and pulled out the big guns - the pleading Puppy-dog eyes. Those were the eyes that brought even the most bloodthirsty people down to their knees, including the whole of Varia. With his trump card out Tsuna asked in a soft, beseeching voice, "Please, for me, Hayato?" and the quarter Italian knew that he was done for. Gritting his teeth he said tiredly, "I will go pack."

Reborn-or Renato as he liked to be called in his adult form- looked proudly at his student-turned-lover and smirked, "I taught you well didn't I ?" the spiky brunette sighed and went over to his ex-tutor who was leaning against the desk. The fedora-wearing man continued, "But I didn't expect you to play matchmaker for your guardians." Vongola Decimo snuggled closer to his boyfriend and said, "The sexual tension between the two of them is thick enough that even Bel's knife might prove useless. A few days, away from the influence of their friends, in Paris, the City of Love will definitely prove useful."

Renato chuckled, "In what, Tsu? Making them realize their undying love for one another?" amusement ran high in his tone. Tsuna replied, his voice a little muffled by the suit he was leaning against, "That, or at least they will realize their undying lust for one another and shag. God knows both of them need it." The ex-Arcobaleno smiled teasingly, "Look at you, becoming a master in love."

Tsuna just hummed contently and continued embracing his lover.

Vongola il Donne Fatalewas a blow to the entire mafia world. Even though the tenth generation of Vongola had brought about a great change in the Underworld, this was their most commendable initiative. Sawada Tsunayoshi had selected a group of female Mafioso- wives of his Famiglia members and other independent assassins- and under the supervision of Lal Mirch had turned them into the most deadly weapons one could imagine. The Femme Fatale of Vongola was and independent organisation under the Vongola banner, much like the Varia and mostly carried out spy work or information collection. Chrome Dokuro was its Head Supervisor and link to the Main Family.

Haru had been one of its first recruits, along with Kyoko and Hana, and the three of them shared a dorm. She had resolved to fight for Tsuna and the schoolgirl crush she had on him had fizzled out giving way to respect and genuine love for him as a friend and surrogate sister. So when her partner was declared to be GokuderaHayato she tried her best not to whine and stomp her foot like a child, she didn't think her superiors would appreciate it if one of their most-competent agent started behaving like a five-year-old.

Therefore she simply sighed and made her way back to her room. Reaching there the brunette collapsed face down on her bed. Hana, who had been lying on her stomach on her bed, reading a magazine, looked up and said in a teasing manner, "What happened? You got stuck your octopus-prince?" when no answer came her eyes widened, "No Way!!" Haru groaned in response and sitting up cried out loud, "Why is life so goddamn unfair! Fate just had to go and pair me with the guy I like so much and give me two days alone with him. How do I resist jumping him when we are alone? it's hard enough to do that when we are at the mansion..." the brunette continued bemoaning about the injustice of life and missed the look her two companions shot each other thinking the same thing. "The plan begins."

Hayato was pleasantly surprised at seeing Haru in 'work' mode. Gone were the 'ha-hi's and now she was mature twenty two year-old who was on a mission with the Vongola's Tenth Storm Guardian. Their mission was fairly simple but required finesse. That is the reason the two of them-celebrated Flame-users in their own separate divisions – were assigned this job. As they went over the plan in the Tenth Generation's private plane, the silver-haired Storm couldn't help but stare at the brunette in front of him.

"Haru will attend the party hosted by the Corona Famiglia in disguise. The target is a middle-aged British-Indian man by the name, Aditya Robin. He's the Corona's closest ally and therefore will most definitely be present at the gala. Haru will be attending in a disguise and Gokudera-san will be undercover as a waiter. Haru will take him to a secluded place and Gokudera-san will follow her. There we will extract the information he took from Verde and erase his memory of us using this weird smelling gas Verde had given us. Then we will change back to ourselves and attend the gala as dignitaries of Vongola Decimo." Hayato absentmindedly noted that despite sounding mature and professional some of Haru's quirks hadn't yet disappeared. For some reason he was quite glad they hadn't, if they did, it would mean that she was assimilating herself into the mafia. And one person Hayato would never forgive the mafia for tainting was his Haru. She was- WAIT! Rewind! DID HE JUST THINK OF HER AS HIS?! HOLY SHIT!

Haru looked up to find her partner looking at her with an intense gaze. His cheeks were dusted pink and his eyes were wide and he never looked cuter to her. The way his eyes were sparkling slightly, how his oh-so perfect jawline looked in the plane's lighting, how strong his hands....No! Haru must not think about it, she must not think about how long his fingers were or the way his hair fell into his eyes made him look so cool... No!

Abruptly she sat up and said in a surprisingly even tone, "I will be in my room if you need me." She bowed, partly out of manners but mostly to hide her blushing face from him, and left the meeting room. Hayato could only stare, puzzled, at the brunette's antics.

On the way to her room Haru was intercepted by a stewardess who asked if Haru would like a glass of wine. Haru was about to decline; it wasn't responsible to drink on a mission but an image of her partner flashed unbidden in her mind and she nodded yes. The Stewardess bowed slightly and went to fetch the glass when Haru called out; "Wait!" the stewardess looked back at her. "Make it a bottle, please." The stewardess was puzzled at the usually responsible young adult's request but followed the younger girl's line of vision and saw that the Right-Hand Man of Decimo had taken of his over shirt and was strutting about in only a tank top which did nothing to hide his well-muscled body.

The stewardess acknowledged the request and went to complete it. When she was alone she couldn't help but giggle at the flustered look the female Storm had. 'I hope they realize their feelings for each other soon.'

(The air hostess ships them!!)

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