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"Hey Alice," Peter said. He was currently sitting on the bus, grey shirt clinging to him from the sweat.

Alice Porter was a gorgeous, 5'6, Cuban girl who Peter Parker was head over heels for.
The love didn't go unreturned.
After her confession to Peter, the Friday movie nights with pizza, the biology class laughter and the hours of arguing over 'the best' avenger became special. They became a romantic tradition with extra added piece of peppered kisses, and holding hands until they got clammy followed by brief laughter.

"We still on for tomorrow?" Peter asked, smile plastered on his face.
She giggled from the other side of the phone. A years friendship didn't seem too different from a 4 Month relationship. But they both loved it the same.

"Of course Spider boy."
Peter huffed and rolled his eyes, still smiling.
"Spider man." He whispered.

Peter looked outside the window to see a scene that would change his life forever.

With a regretful tone, and a glance above with remorse Peter said his final goodbye.

"I've got to go Alice. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye honey."

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