What love is to me

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Love is something that is difficult for many people to understand, but when you find that one person you are meant to be with it all makes sense. Love has no boundaries; you fall in love with whoever you want, no matter their gender, appearance, or race.
The other thing about love is that it’s not dates, gifts, or anything like that. Love is being with the person you trust that you knew that you were gonna be with.

The person you go on adventures with, it’s the feeling that you get when you, your soul desires something that can make you complete or happy. makeup rely on this person so much that if you were falling they would catch you, the person who will be there for you when you're sad. The person who loves you for you, not just the person on the outside but the person on the inside. Even when you get into fights you know what you can still trust them and make up for no more problems. You don’t hide anything from this person and they don't hide things from you. When you fall they will pick you up. They will carry you when no one else will. They will be the light of your darkness that little ray of sunshine that will break through.

Happy ending or not you will have someone there for you.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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