Day 1: The iPod Challenge

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Hello all! It is I again, The Awesome Fluffy Unicorn! How've you been? This is my 30 Day challenge! The Challenge is the picture on the side! It's a creative writing challenge and I'm hoping will be fun for you to read and me to write! This story is dedicated to Xx_Infinity_xX because she is doing something similar! So, go and check her's out too!
This is the 1st day in my 30 day challenge! So, I went through the list of challenges and named each of them! (I'll be honest here, some of them were pretty hard to name, so I appologise if the names suck!)  So, today's one is the iPod Challenge!

Day 1:  Put your iPod or iTunes on shuffle. Write 250 words inspired by the 1st and last line of the very next song that plays. 

Titanium - David Guetta & Sia 
"You shout it out, but I can't hear word you say"
"I am Titanium"

The sun blared down on the grass, the harsh rays brightening everything it touches. Kids playing, chatting and eating their lunch. Friends walking together, laughing and enjoying the sun. Then, there’s me. I’m the one kid sitting alone, under the shade of the tree, hiding from the sun, headphones in my ears and a book in my hand. I was not only hiding from the sun. If I wasn't hiding from the sun, I would be out in plain sight and in full view of the whole playground. Where I could easily be attacked. Because, at my school, the "playground" is more like a battleground. And I am the target. Every day, words get spitted at my face that make me feel worthless. I am constantly being pushed down and laughed at. I don't know why, but I don't like it. So I sit in the shade of the tree, listening to my music and reading a book where the main character is brave and strong, unlike me. I am in another world. My music is my refuge. As I listened to "Titanium", I thought about how strong titanium is and my book character and strength until I felt a presence next to me. My headphones were yanked out and I came face-to-face with Naomi Jones, the girl who despised me and made my life a nightmare. Before she could start talking, I beat her to it. I had realised that I don't care what they think and they can say what they want, but it won't hurt me. This was the time I became strong, I became titanium.

~ So, that's my first challenge! Hope you guys liked it. It's a bit over 250 but whose counting! (Me)
Anyway, I also want to know about you guys, and in one of the stories I'm reading, the author does a question of the update, so: Question of the update: What's your favourite song at the moment? Thanks for reading! Love you all so much! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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