art introduction

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Here is where my arts were since im not that busy sometimes i would draw and i think i should make an art book so i did! And also i take drawing requests just add some details on what drawing ud like just not inappropraite ones and leave it on the comments!
Here are some few...

Here is where my arts were since im not that busy sometimes i would draw and i think i should make an art book so i did! And also i take drawing requests just add some details on what drawing ud like just not inappropraite ones and leave it on the...

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As you can see two finished so yeah

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As you can see two finished so yeah... im very bad at drawing... so let me know if you want me to draw some of yours and show mine ill also put some of my friends drawing but i wont tell their names...and... I just copied one from google since i got dared to, if you have art requests you can put it in the comments here tho itll take time and itll be faster if i use irl drawing kk le bai.

Fifi signing out~

ART BOOK and art requests By SAIWhere stories live. Discover now