The Origin's

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Chapter 1: Who?

The West, a bit of American History that is still shaky. No one knew the truth behind it unless you were there. Then again that's the truth for every piece of History. You wouldn't have known how Napoleon was unless you were there or even King Arthur. But that's just too far back so let's stick with what we know. What did we know about the West? It's flat lands or dirt, rock and just godless. The real American-Dream for Gold, Power and Fortune. By God if he came here to the West he wouldn't last. This is the Devil's land through and through. Now let's get on with how I know? This is how. Oh and my name is Colt McCoy Boerader, or now known as "Killer McCoy Colt".

   The bright sun, the dry heat and the splitting headache all hit me at once as I slowly crawled out of bed. I looked around my room before standing up and heading for the wash bowl. I dipped my hands into the cool water to cup it up before splashing my face. As water overcame my face for a split second I had an image. Quickly my eyes opened due to the picture I imagined. I looked into the mirror as I grit my teeth. "What the hell?" I asked myself before hearing the floor creak. 'Someone must be coming down the hall' I figured. I began walking towards the door to open it up before realizing no one was there. I raised a brow before looking around. I took a few steps back before grabbing my griswold from my gun belt. I slowly started to walk out the door while easily cocking the hammer back. My heart pounded in my chest as I neared the end of the hallway. I heard a few giggles before hearing light footsteps above me. 'The roof?' I thought as I looked up at the ceiling before heading towards the front door. I exited slowly as the desert heat hit me like a train. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light as I began to creep my way off the porch. As I got one step down I heard creaking above me and instantly turned with pistol in hand. There he was, my great friend Jack, Jack Lee Thompson. He froze as quick as I did. Both of us looked as if we were stuck by a bullet but in reality just really shocked. I almost shot him for trying to pull a prank on me. I sighed before smirking as I slowly pushed the hammer back down.

   "God damnit Jack!" I yelled which caused him to chuckle from deep down.
"Well shit, I didn't expect you to almost shoot me now. I was only joking around." He said while climbing down to ground level.
"You're such a damn piss ant. Always doing shit like this. Next time I should shoot your ass so you don't do it again." I told him while chuckling myself.
"You wouldn't do that." He scoffed as he looked at me. My only response was with my eyes causing him to question my actions. "Would you Colt?"
"Nah, I'm only playin. Let's go make breakfast, where's the others at?" I questioned as we headed back inside.
"They went into town, had to get some supplies. We needa start breakin' them horses in or we ain't gonna make no money." He responded as he grabbed some eggs from the basket sitting next to the stove.
"Yeah I know, maybe we'll get started after breakfast." I said while grabbing the skillet for him. "Oh hey, go easy on those eggs today. You know I like mine all gooey in the center now."
"Yes, lieutenant" He bit back as he grinned a bit while placing the pan down. This only caused me to roll my eyes as I headed back down the hallway to my room. I still haven't put my boots on.

   As I got back there I holstered my griswold before getting a clean shirt out and some socks. I began to dress myself as my mind wandered on to the image I saw this morning. I scratched the back of my noggin as the sound of a wagon arriving distracted me from my thoughts. I hopped onto two feet before grabbing my gun belt and headed for the main room to see what my pals got. As I exited there was Marco & Charlie unloading the wagon while cussing up a storm. I raised a brow at all the words being thrown around like it was the air and was wondering what happened to Bobby.
"What happened?" I asked while getting to the wagon to help.
"A feckin ranger showed up and took feckin Bobby. That god damn high and mighty bastard." Charlie said as his thick Irish accent showed.
"What he said, the guy took Bobby for apparently him stealing a horse?" Marco added on before slipping inside the house. My eyes couldn't help but to go wide at this as I grabbed the last few bags on the back and carried them into the house. I looked down at my boots after I set the bags down.
"So what are we gonna do?" Charlie questioned in an angry tone.
"He's a damn ranger there isn't shit to do." Marco replied while grabbing his tobacco bag.
"We have to go get his ass obviously." Jack's voice broke out as he gave everyone their breakfast. But that didn't solve it, everyone looked dead at me. I froze for a second before sighing. I nodded my head before clearing my throat.
"We go get our friend. We can try to bail him out or take him hopefully the first one. I don't wanna be a fugitive." I said before grabbing a fork and digging into my food.
"Agreed" Jack said.
"Fine by me" Marco replied.
"At least we're doing something." Charlie commented before stuffing his face with toast.

      As night washed over the desert we were on the trail of the ranger who had our friend. We rode with a strong pride on us as we finally spotted them by a tree and fire.
"Here use my glass, they're down there." Jack said while handing me his spy glass as I took it. I saw both clear as day before sighing a bit.
"Do you think this guy is gonna take a bail? Isn't horse thievery punishable by hanging?" Marco questioned before Charlie smacked him upside the head.
"No one is gonna kill our friend. Understand?" He spoke out while pulling out his lever action remington.
"He's got a point." I said while giving the piece back to Jack. "Let's ride."
  We began to ride down and as we got there the ranger had a rifle in his hands. I felt a cool breeze hit me as my gut began to sink in. I hated this feeling because I always knew something bad will happen. Last time I had this feeling was the War. Not much different in all honesty from that time. I cleared my throat as I stepped down onto the ground.
"Hello sir, my names Colt. I came here to see if we could pay you to let our friend go." I told him with pure honesty.
"Evening Colt, name's Vern. I will happily let Mr.Shoemaker over here go for some coin. You got yourself a deal." He replied back as his lips curled into a shit eating grin.
'Maybe my gut is wrong?' I began questioned as I grabbed a bag of money we had left over from the last haul of horses and tossed it to him. "There ya go sir." I told him.
"Pleasure doing business, however there is a major question I have. Were you at all a Lieutenant for the South?" He asked me while letting the bag hit the ground. He was holding onto that gun for dear life. I did freeze at his question however because I was at one time.
"Yes." I responded as I dropped my hands to my sides. "What's it to you sir?"
"I figured, you obviously don't remember me..." He paused as he cocked the gun and aimed it at me "But I sure as hell remember you."
I stood there for a second as it felt like time froze and I reached for my gun without realizing. This guy was gonna kill me without hesitation. He has the advantage yet hasn't shot, nows my chance. That's when I took my chance and gunned him down. Everyone around me except Bobby was reaching for their rifles. But by the time they got to them the marshal was laying down on the dirt in his own pool of blood. I couldn't move, my muscles stiffened and my body became rock hard. I gunned down a man as if he was a piece of paper. I guess next time I will have to always trust my gut. I finally broke from my trance as a gunshot shook me back to reality. Charlie shot the ranger once more as he cussed in celtic. Marco was cutting Bobby loose as Jack starred down at me wondering what just happened. I grabbed the coin and searched the ranger before pulling out another wanted poster with my Father on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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