The six letter word

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 So hey all this is another work of mine hope u all enjoy it..

Fishing out another soft drink from the fridge ,Abhishek mehra watched New York getting covered with snow....he felt strange how the white color cloth covers the land and it feels as if it was always white....he turned around to go back home when the lights went the semi-dark room he saw a petite figure coming into his cabin.....his lips curved into a smile in the anticipation of her arrival but his eyes soon showed his disappointed when he saw his ex-girlfriend!!

He very casually greeted her and was about to pass when she held his hand....he stilled at her touch and said "Tanu-"....but he was cut in between when she shushed his lips by pressing her index finger to it....and the very next moment he found himself getting kisses by her...he resisted but the anger of being touched by another woman except her wasn't resisting....he pushed her fiercely and said in his dead-dangerous tone "stay away from me or else next time Abhishek Mehra won't be this humble"....
he literally jumped in his car...he needed her right now more than anything, he wanted to find solace in her arms...even thinking about her puts a dreamy smile on his face....he honked the horn and waited for the traffic to clear out but soon slid into the flashbacks of his life!!!

Abhishek MEhra was a famous business tycoon but wasn't a shrewd....he was known for his humorous nature....he always made everyone feel at ease....for the world "seriousness" wasn't in his dictionary, was married to PRagya Arora,she was one of a girl who was too good to be true but yet she was!!marrying her was one of the best thing that could happen to him....she was simple,beautiful and caring....their marriage wasn't like any fairy-tale where two different individuals come across each other, get married, limit their relation and after falling in love they transcends the boundaries.....there marriage was normal....they got married and their relation wasn't limited....they were committed from the very first day be it physical or emotional.....but the best part was she understood him like no one could!!!he was a passionate idealist but she wasn't yet they fit too well.....Tanu's touch literally made him sick to his stomach....only one woman can create havoc within him and thats her,his wife.....

he started climbing the stairs like a superman, two at a time and opened the door with force....he sighed...but pragya got scared she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him...Abhi slowly walked towards her and saw her feeding "Dhriti",their three months old daughter...he kissed her daughters feet which were hanging in the air...she was too chubby and fair, she looked with the corner of her eyes and when saw her father she beamed in delight and pulled herself away from her mother....pragya gently reprimanded Abhi in a wifely manner "see, now you have distracted her.....she won't drink many times do i have to repeat myself dont disturb us while i am feeding her"....but Abhi already had Dhriti in his arms and was rubbing his nose in her tiny tummy....he replied while playing "it's not my fault i cant keep myself away from her whenever i see her"....he threw her in air and then again catched her....pragya sighed she was tired and just wanted a nap.....Abhi saw her closing her eyes and surprisingly kissed her collar-bone, she smiled and leaned over his shoulder and watched Dhriti drifting into sleep....

Abhi said "why she sleeps so much? I wanted to spend some more time with her"....pragya giggled and replied "she is just three months old Abhishek"....Abhi sighed he wanted to play with her more....he put her in the cradle and cuddled Pragya after joining her in bed...he kissed her forehead, nose, cheeks, chin....they both were in a frenzy of emotions...he captured her lips with his at once till she was out of breathe.....he left her. She looked with questions in her eyes when he said "Dhriti is in the room....pragya mumbled "she's sleeping and she is what just three months old"....but he said like an idiot "she is my daughter....small or not i dont care,i cant make love to my wife when my daughter is in the same room"....she gave up and took Dhriti and left her in dadi's room with her after kissing her chubby cheeks....
she came and then he kissed her everywhere....he knew how much he needed her after Tanu's scorchy touch...she saw need rather than desire in his eyes and made a mental note to question him later...... she gave him what he needed her love and presence.....

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