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Young children aren't people. They do not have their own thoughts, nor their own interests, but are merely projections of what their parents and teachers tell them to be, a result of a series of actions by a series of people. You are who you were taught to be until you simply are not anymore. A day comes where suddenly, you're a person, and everything is much bigger than you always thought it to be.

That day came much quicker than Jungkook anticipated.

The day was like any other day, as it always tends to be, never a warning, never a red flag before you're thrown into the world like an unborn child into life.

The sound of hummingbirds filled the late autumn air, leaves swirling like tiny dancers welcoming the beginning of the new season, daring the world to try and stop them.

For the past week or so, there had been whispers surrounding a new boy, eyes dark like a starless sky, and quiet as if he couldn't even think to bother with his peer. He was a grade or maybe two above Jungkook, so the boy barely ever caught a glimpse of his peers' newfound talking point.

That day however, Jungkook not only took a glimpse at the boy, but unknowingly dove head-first into his world.

That day one of the teachers had suddenly fallen ill, and not having enough time to call in a substitute, the school decided to combine classes. The older class marched into Jungkook's own, with sullen faces fit for the damper mood of any given school day.
Jungkook's eyes immediately landed on the brown haired boy.

Though ordinary in appearance, there was something different about the being in front of him, something so aloof and grandeur painted across his face and resting in his eyes. It was a sort of dark charm that allured anyone who dared to merely glance at him, trapping them in his stare like a modern day Medusa.

The whole class broke into silent whispers, a piercing knife cutting through the blissful silence that the classroom held previously.

The upperclassman took their seats, and the enigma of a boy took the one three seats ahead of him, and the class went on just as it would any day, except this time with an air of darkness surrounding the class and the pupils in it, seeming to have an effect on everyone except for one boy dat three seats in front of Jungkook.

The next day, the school was informed that the teachers condition would take a couple weeks, maybe up to a month before it'd be safe for the graying woman to return to teaching. The administration had liked the idea of the combined classes, since it saved money and the school's time, so that class commenced as it had the previous day.

A week and a half later, the boy two seats
ahead of Jungkook hadn't come to school, but a different boy now occupied that seat.

Everybody except for the teacher in the front of the room noticed the slight seat change, since everyone always kept him in some peripheral line of sight. The action wasn't all strange, not at all, but everything he did seemed to have to have a meaning for some reason, some ulterior motive to it.

Jungkook was right in his thinking when he entered the classroom the next day to see that the boy who had previously sat in front of him had swapped seats with the new occupant of the one before him.

Normally, some quarrel would arise due to a change in seating, everyone always getting too comfortable in their spots, almost always near their friends. No one questioned the boy though, he always got what he wanted without having to utter a single word. Maybe it was the mystifying effect he had, or maybe just some strange fear of the unknown, Jungkook didn't know.

Another week went by when Jungkook walked into the classroom to find the boy now sitting in the seat right beside him. Today, he arrived to class even before Jungkook had, meaning the boy had arrived early just to occupy that seat before anyone else came in to take it from him.

Jungkook sat down, and glanced at him for a second before opening his books. When the one who sat next to him for the past couple weeks walked into the room Jungkook was sure an argument would arise, seeing as he was usually aggressive in nature, but he simply took a look at his old seat, and simply went and found a new one.

"It's easy you know." A voice next to him spoke, startling Junkook. He turned to the unnamed boy, shocked that he had been spoken to. He had felt as if it were an honor that the boy had addressed him directly, and almost felt like he should utter out a thank you of some sort.

"What's easy?" He replies timidly.

"Getting what you want." The boy replied. In an odd way, the boy's voice both seemed out of place coming from him, yet also made all the sense in the world, and was exactly what Jungkook thought the boy would sound like.

"Jeon Jungkook, right?" The other asked after a moment of silence.

"How do you know my name?" Jungkook asked, shocked once again.

"I pay attention to the attendance. I know everyone's name in here." He replied. "I'm Kim Taehyung."

Kim Taehyung.

The name made so much sense to Jungkook, of course his name would be Kim Taehyung, Jungkook thought for no reason at all. Everything about the boy seemed to make sense, and everything about him strengthened the image if he he was, or rather what he was perceived to be, and it all fell together like a song, note by note. There was no reason in the world Jungkook should ever make so much sense of someone he's never seen before, but yet he had every reason to at the same time.

"It's easy. You see, you simply have to look into their eyes. No one likes that. You stare into their eyes long enough until they get uncomfortable. Works every time." Taehyung explained.

The younger boy just looked at him, puzzled.

"That can't be all though, can it?" Jungkook inquires.

"Well, if you're really determined to get what you want, you'll get it. See, it's like, the world has a way of working everything out for you if you know how to play it right." The other explained, full attention on Jungkook.

Oddly, Jungkook felt as if he were being explained the world's deepest secrets, the inner workings of society explained away by a boy barely older that himself. Taehyung came off as something more. Something otherworldly or inhuman, and dare he say, god-like. Jungkook knew not to take anyone's words at face value, especially not from one of his peers, but maybe Taehyung was onto something, because the proof was certainly in the way Taehyung conducted his surroundings to create a beautiful song that matched his tastes, and the way it led him to that exact seat right next to Jungkook's.

"Are you saying you can control everything?"

"Not everything, Jungkook, but certainly anything." Taehyung responds, and Jungkook certainly didn't know what the difference was, but in Taehyung's mind there seemed to be one, and suddenly, Jungkook felt stupid.

Before Jungkook could utter a single word more to the boy, the class had come to an end, and Taehyung left the room in silence, acting as though no words had ever been shared between the two.

The next day, Jungkook is for once, eager to get to class. He has taken the liberty to arrive early, and take his seat, anxiously awaiting the older, but he never came, as the class was informed that the upperclassman's teacher had made a full and healthy recovery, and was back to teaching. Jungkook wished he could indeed, control anything at that moment.

Throughout the course of the class, and the rest of the day, only Taehyung and their short conversation had been running through Jungkook's mind.

"Not everything Jungkook, but certainly anything."

These words resonated in his consciousness like a deafening scream in an empty room.

What had the boy meant by this?

What does he mean by anything?

And most important of all;

Why did he choose to talk to me?

That afternoon, Jungkook walked home to the shrill sound of hummingbirds, and the leaves circling around him, taunting his every step, the sun threatening to set them aflame with every beam of light it cast.

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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