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She sighed as she looked to the window watching the rain drops rush down like tears as though to show her that they knew how she felt. The lightning tore at the sky ripping it in half as grey clouds hid the stars above. Her dogs bark echoed through the empty house as her book slipped through her fingers, fluttering to the ground. The floor boards creaked as she took a step forward peering into the dark hallway. She stood there with a blank face as she stared out at the hallway that looked like it went on forever. It faded black the further down it went, allowing her to see no more than the couple of rows of wooden floor boards in front of her before they disappeared.

She held her breathe as she stepped past her bedroom door frame into the dark abyss to follow the barking. A gust of wind threw her hair back as she ventured further down the hallway. Her heart stopped and her body jumped backwards as the bathroom door to her left slammed shut. Her head snapped right to the eerie hallway as the barking increased in volume. Taking a deep breathe she continued her journey, the floor boards crying out with every step she took. As she neared the end of the hallway her heart thumped faster like a drum.

She came to a halt at the kitchen door frame as the barking was loudest there. She slowly raised her arm as her shaky hand hand reached for the light switch lingering just above it. Closing her eyes she tensed as she turned the light on starring at the red hue of her eyelids waiting for something to happen. Her eyebrows knitted together and her eyes opened as the barking stopped. Her eyes danced around the room as her head tilted. Everything was normal. Her face scrunched as she gagged at the horrid smell wafting in the air,smelling almost of death.

She shivered as a gasp near her ear sent her body jumping forward. Her face whitened as a black silhouette in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Turning slowly on the balls of her feet her eyes widened and heart stopped as she froze with her mouth agape as her eyes glued to the figure towering over her with its back facing her. Taking slow steps backward, she cringed at the creaking of the old wood under her feet. The figure slowly turned toward her and tilted its head, its face emotionless almost as if it was studying her. Her mouth hit the floor as she looked toward the familiar face, but he wasn't the same. His eyes were sunken and blood was dripping down his face coming from a prominent bullet hole on his forehead. His clothes and hands were covered in dirt as if he had crawled out of his casket. Her hands shook as she thought back to the news article that showed up on her front doorstep a month ago. He shouldn't be here. She watched his family weep over his open casket 4 weeks ago. She thought back to the baths they shared as babies, their first day of school where he stayed by her side and even her sixth birthday where she fell off the monkey bars and he was there to help her. She was pulled from her thoughts as he had started gliding toward her.

She spun on her heal and dashed out of the kitchen as sobs threatened to leave her throat. Tears flowed down her face as she bolted down the hallway toward the front door her footsteps echoing throughout the silent house. Her hands ripped at the doorknob for freedom. Before she could open the door she flew back onto the floor landing on her back. She groaned at the impact rolling on the floor trying to ease the pain. Her eyes shot open as her body tensed under his strong hold. Her body froze as she stared into his empty eyes which use to hold a bright light to them but are now dull and lifeless. There was nothing to see except her frightened face starring back at her. She screamed as loud as she could until her throat burned and voice cracked. She was silenced as a cold hold fist smashed against her face. Her head fell to the side as her vision blurred. She struggled to keep her eyes open as her surroundings moved. She could feel herself being dragged against the wooden floor, her exposed skin collecting its dirty residue.

With all the strength she had left, she turned to look up at his face. How could he do this? How is he doing this? Her eyes weighed down as if something or someone was forcing them shut. Her body was numb as she tried to move but failed as he only pulled her back. She closed her eyes relishing the memory of his face, her best friends face. A smile spread onto her face as she accepted the fact that her dead best friend would be the last thing she saw. Her vision finally turned black as she was plunged into darkness.

The Boy Next Door  ||  ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang