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Hello, fellow Wattpad user who decided to click on my book!

I'm glad that you decided to read this and give it a shot. There are a few things you should know about me before I begin my whole spiel on my story.

First, I'm a very busy person, I have a lot on my shoulders right now with school. I tend to lose interest in a story that I'm writing, but if you love this book, don't fret to spam me on my wall. I am not the best author that there is in the world, and I am only improving. I will occasionally take mental health weeks if I deem it necessary, but I will let you know when that is happening with an author's note. I know it might seem boring to have to read my excuses for not writing but bear with me.

I started off as a fanfiction writer but then I realized that the quality of my work wasn't of the caliber that I wanted it to be at. I waited until I was done with my first semester of high school, which contained my favorite classes, Prep Literature and Composition 1. Prep means that it's a course that moves quicker than the other version of the same class. In that class, I learned more about what I was doing wrong with my writing and how I can fix it. Now I have advanced placement human geography. I got to tell you, that class is nothing but reading. I just love reading informational text. This is the only way to do well on a test; read. Outside of class, I am in an a cappella group, attempting to start my own band, and looking at memes. I tend to share these memes with my great friends on Amino (not the acid, but the app).

Amino is an app where people can chat with people who share the same interest as you. You can share artwork, writing, cosplay, and even screen a video with your new friends. There is also a feature of voice chatting, where you can chat with your friends with your own voice.

Going back to the main topic of this little note, you should expect a new chapter every 3-5 weeks since it takes me awhile to craft a chapter. There will be some chapters that will come out quicker than other, so just keep your eyes open for that. As I said before, one of the main factors is going to be how I am doing with my stress levels with school.

I want to warn you guys in advance that everything in this book isn't from my first-hand experience, it is fictionalized but this does not mean that some subjects in this book could never happen in the real world. You have been warned.

Also, these author notes will have a funny picture to help lighten the mood, as the story is going to get intense.  I hope you guys enjoy this story. 



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