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It all began right before high school.BEEP BEEP the alarm clock turn off after 3 minutes."Wake up Amanda" said her babysister Leah,"Two more minutes" Amanda said.Leah used every muscle in her body and dragged her 16 year old big sister to the kitchen."AMANDA"yelled her mom,"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM YELLING AT ME MOM" Amanda da screamed Amanda got up run into her room and shut the door on Leah,Leah started crying her dad knew Amanda has something to do with it when Amanda heard her dad's footstep's she started to cry she knew what was gonna happen her dad came into the room locked the door as baby Leah knew and her mom then her dad sadly raped her."STOP!!" Said Amanda,"Next time listen I will see you tonight."said her dad.Amanda walks down her dad looks at her Amanda feels scared than she didn't got to school "Hope your happy" said her mother and sister.Amanda was in her room her dad came in "You ready" said her dad Amanda got up turned around on the wall and put her hands on the wall Her dad got undressed her dad pushed Amanda moaned not really meaning it Her dad kissed her She then noticed she.likes She stoped " I like you" said Amanda,"I know sweets"said her dad Amanda turned around again on the wall and her dad pushed harder Amanda moaned Amanda jumped on him and kissed him.The next day Amanda refused her dad was good the had "plans" Amanda went to the strip club her dad was there she twerks on her dad then they go home each day And Push as Amanda moans one day Amanda then said to her dad she was already married to some one and she is pregnant.The dad kisses the daughter then slices her belly 4 years before she was supposed to come he pulled the baby and though The baby the baby was supposed to be Leo but know he is down under the water the dad then stands the whole family And the hangs him self.The Police put his dead body and jail and it stays there as her body with her baby was together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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