She Turns Sixteen!!!!

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So finally you're sixteen
The prettiest one I've ever seen.
The dankest girl who I thought only exists in dreams
You came in like a flooded river to my drought struck land
Helped me outta the narcotic quicksand.
I pulled myself out of it by holding your hand.
You showed me light and "da wey" out of darkness
As we shared our problems and also dank maymays.
I never knew you would be the reason behind my fixed awe struck gaze.
After all this, how can I let go of your "highness"?
And now you're leaving like a beautiful stream.
I curse my luck for meeting you this late
All these 15 years, where the heck had you been?
I can see my shadow chasing you and the thought of losing you makes me scream
From the inside, where I'm nothing stronger than whipped cream.
Doctor Who, LeBron James, Joey Tribbiani, John Green. Oh I owe them so much.
It's because of them that I got to meet you and found topics at which we talked so much.
It's because of them that I got to experience how having feelings feel
And when you lose the most important part of you, it hurts so much.
Since the day I met you I have taught myself to search for happiness within grief.
Be a pawn and feel the pride of a victorious chief.
I don't know how many times I have mentioned this,
But your smile gives me an ecstatic relief.
You were right when you said the phrase," I am you, you are me."
I took it as a joke until I realized that we resemble the perfectly fitting pieces of a puzzle
And the cleanest notes of do re mi.
I took your company as granted for the first few weeks
That's so effing dumb of me that I put you in the list of geeks.
But it didn't take much time for me to rectify my mistakes
I guess I just need one more chance and another retake.
From the Shin Ji Byung to the girl who wanted to socialize.
From "idgaf" to ,"Yeah. Now I realize."
Remember when we used to kick those miles on our little scoots talking about anything and everything?
Remember when those nights seemed too short for our endless chatting?
Remember how we gave each other rapper names and started worshipping the Goat?
I remember, 'cause these little things that set my mind afloat.
Your sweet anxious tone and your gleaming magical eyes
Your cute anger and the way you catch my lies.
Remember when I said,"Dude, I love this Rollie!"
And you said you'd get me one when you start earning?
Then I said I'd get you the best drawing tablet which would be in the market, burning?
Shit! That was so overwhelming.
I'mma do anything and everything to see that happening.
Your fiery wit and our lame-ass jokes
Those aesthetic sketches of yours and my gut taking your stress busting pokes.
I still reminisce those good ol' days where we used to sing our favorite songs
And stole each other's sentences and called it ,"Great minds think alike."
I felt that when I realized what spending 5 hours without talking to you felt like.
I could never imagine that one day which turned the tastiest berry into the most poisonous spike.
But never mind, you are still the same
Just swallowed by the shadow of unnecessary and cheap fame.
There's a long life ahead
Don't let it get mislead.
And happy birthday to my faaaavourite and mmmmoooooosssssstttt precious gurl(P.S- m not assuming your gender)
I wish all the banners of happiness and success in your life unfurled.
Don't let anything kill that rejuvenating smile
Don't let any stud to make think you ain't good enough,
If any nigger makes you sad,
I'mma beat him to pulp 'cause he fucked with the Panda's $ud.
I wish had not shown my feelings
And I wish I had been immune to all those drillings.
I wish I would still be YOUR Sudie
And we would still be the best buddies.
But you got your mind changed when you found someone better
Who would do all that cliché stuff and write you cheesy letters.
Who doesn't know the meaning of being together
Who would change faces behind your back just like London's weather.
And the people who would show off their second or maybe third
Persona of being the most sober guy in the herd.
Never mind, life takes exams and tests your patience,
She will scrape the flesh from your bones
Until you don't feel shit and everything is painless.
Now you may brush me off and make my M's worth a dime
And my Henny feel like cheap slime,
But I am NOT letting go of you chief,
I signed up for a lifetime.

SixteenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora