Chapter 1:The break up

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So it was the 1st day of school and Annie and Hayden went to school in the same time..... So let's just skip everything.... So it was lunch and Hayden called Annie to say something

Annie: what?
Hayden: well I have something to tell you after lunch break so go to the library with me later ok?
Annie: ok?

Annie looked confused because she was thinking something bad is going to happen... So after lunch they all go to the library but Annie and Hayden goes to the other side....

Annie: what were you going to say?
Hayden: umm...... Well I
Annie: you what?
Hayden: well I
Annie: just spit the word already
Librarian: SSSHHH
Annie: sorry

Then Annie faces Hayden again

Annie: Well what is it?
Hayden: well umm.....
Annie: spit the word

Then Hayden took a deep breath

Hayden: ok Annie?
Annie: what?
Hayden: well umm......  I'm breaking up with you
Annie: what?!
Hayden: yes I am
Annie: why?, have you found somebody else?
Hayden: yes
Annie: then who is she?
Hayden: well it's KENZIE!
Annie: So your breaking up with me for KENZIE am I clear?
Hayden: well yes
Annie: fine be it I don't even care

Then Annie ran to 3rd floor of the school crying, then Johnny, Jayden, and Carson followed her

Jayden: Annie what's wrong?
Annie: well Hayden broke up with me
Carson: what?!
Annie: and he even said that KENZIE is his girlfriend
Johnny: oh now I understand why KENZIE was talking about his boyfriend Hayden
Annie: oh yeah THAT'S GREAT! I'm just going to skip school, no I'm going to transfer to another school

Then Annie ran to her car, then she drove back home but in her way....

Annie: I have no chances to live in this world, Hayden broke up with me, KENZIE is not my friend anymore

Her eyes we're becoming blurry because of her tears and she couldn't see much, so when she was crying she didn't notice she was heading to a big truck so she was hit by the truck, then after school Jayden, johnny and Carson was heading back home but they saw a car crash so they stopped the car the go to the crash, so when Jayden looked a little closer she found out that it was Annie so they called the emergency to take Annie to the hospital, so now at the hospital........

To be continued..... 💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤

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