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In Seoul

"Have you done your tasks?" The man asked his roommate when he entered the apartment.

"Yep, I have Cleaned the bathroom, cooked dinner and the clothes are still in the washing machine." He answered him. "By the way Hoseok, how was your day?" He looked into his eyes.

"Ah it was okay, after my shift, I met up with Jimin and we went for lunch."The other one raised one of his eyebrow.

"And what more did you two do?" Hoseok could tell that he was jealous. He would always give him the same gaze when he was jealous.

"Ohh, my Yoongi is a little bit jealous!" Hoseok Said in a childish sound and Yoongi gave him an annoyed look.

Yoongi stumbled a little.

"I'm not jealous, I just wanted to know if you did something else." He finally said and Hoseok chuckled.

"Okay, nothing happened! We just had lunch together like two friends normally do. Now you can calm down." Hoseok wrapped his arms around Yoongi and leaned against him.

"If you say it so. I trust you!" He made Hoseok laugh and later on they went to eat dinner.

Hoseok had already laid it all up, the plates, the cutlery and the glasses were already there, the only thing that wasn't on the table yet was the pans with the food in. Yoongi went ahead to grab the pans and placed them in between both of them, then they could enjoy their dinner together.

Hoseok, who was still full from the lunch with Jimin didn't take that much. Yoongi saw how little he took and became a bit concerned.

"Hoseok, Please say that you aren't on a diet again" He looked up at him and looked abit confused.

"What? No, I'm not in a diet?" He looked shocked on Yoongi after asking him that.

"Good, I love your body as it it and I don't want you chance because of what the other says." He said before he filled his mouth with food.

Hoseok got warmer from Yoongi's amazing words and his cheeks got abit red-ish.

In the middle of the dinner, Yoongi's phone began to vibrate, he went up from his chair and went get his phone from the living room. He picked up his phone and saw that Jimin was calling him, of course he answered.

"Hey Jimin, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I just wondering if you wanted to go out someday, if you are busy, it's totally fine." Jimin said.

"Yeah that would be fun, but I'm eating dinner with Hoseok and I don't want my food to get cold." He chuckled.

"Wait, Are you still on that Hoseok shit?" Jimin sounded serious.

"Hoseok shit? What's that suppost to mean!?" Yoongi began to sound aggressiv towards Jimin.

"Come on Yoongi, Hoseok is dead, You know it. Everybody knows it."

"Hoseok is not dead, He is literally sitting in the kitchen, I can see him from here." Yoongi looked across the apartment and seeing Hoseok sitting there, eating.

"Yoongi, You just imagine he's there. He's no longer here." Jimin said in a calmer tone.

"Jimin, stop it, it's not true, I know what's real and what's fake. Anyways, I will go now, Bye Jimin." Before Jimin could say anything, Yoongi hung up.

He aggressivly placed his phone back onto the living rooms table and went back to the kutchen where Hoseok where.

"Who was it?" Hoseok asked him while Yoongi sat down on his chair.

"It was just Jimin."

"Oh, What did he say" Hoseok whipped off his mouth.

"Nothing really, he just asked me if I wanted to go out and do something someday." Yoongi didn't want to mention the weird thing Jimin said.

"Really? Is he already in Busan? That went fast." Hoseok went back to what he was doing.

The dinner goes on like normal, except for that Yoongi couldn't stop thinking about what Jimin said. "Why would he say that?" He thought to himself.

Meanwhile in Busan

Jimin looked weird at his phone after that phone call he had with Yoongi.

"I'm abit worried about Yoongi." He said to Jungkook who was laying his bed, beside Jimin's.

"What? What did he say?" Jungkook looked weirdly at Jimin while he sat up.

"He still thinks Hoseok is alive.."

"Woah, really?" Jimin nodded as a answer.

"I don't know if he's joking, but it feels like he really thinks that Hoseok is still here.."

6 years ago, Jimin first meet Hoseok at the dance classes. Jimin had been dancing for years and so did Hoseok. They became good friends since the first day and hung out almost everyday.

Jimin introduced Hoseok to his friends, Yoongi was the only one that liked him a little extra. A year later, they got together as a couple. They moved in together 9 months into their relationships and they all thought it was nice to see them being happy.

But, 7 months ago, while Hoseok was on a trip to Gyeonggi for business purposes, another car drove into their which caused a fire. Everyone was crushed after the bad news they were told but one of them didn't take it that good, Yoongi. He began to yell at them, throwing things. He said that they all were liars and that it was just a prank.

After that day, Yoongi believes that he still sees him.


Jimin got up from his bed and went to the wardrobe, he took out two suitcase and threw one to Jungkook.

"What the fuck?" Jungkook said to Jimin with the suitcase on his thighs.

"Come on, pack up, we are going to seoul."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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