The Alleycats' Valentine's Day

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                                    Evie woke up to the smell of pancakes being cooked. She rolled over to see Rocky, cooking on a countertop griddle. When he caught sight of her, he said, "Good morning bright eyes." and brought her a plate.

                                   They were pancakes in what was supposed to be a heart shape. "The-the batter's really hard to shape." He said with a chuckle. Evie laughed and took a bite of one.

                                    "It's okay, I like my not-quite-a-heart pancakes." She said with a laugh of her own. "Happy Valentine's Day Rocky."

                                     "Happy Valentine's Day, Evie. Today I figured we could go on a walk, even if it's just around the yard."

                                     "I'd like that." She responded.


                                     When breakfast finished the pair set out for their walk, with their dog, Smokey. At some point Smokey happily skittered ahead, running up to these two cars that had been parked side-by-side in the junkyard, but never actually scrapped. Rocky looked over at Evie, and ran ahead.

                                  He got in one of the cars, sitting in the driver's seat, and she followed, sitting in the other. Neither of the cars had windows or even ran anymore, so they made perfect seats for lounging.

                                Rocky looked at his bride, her red hair cascading over the torn faux leather seat cover in the car she was in. He reached out through the window for her hand, and she gave it to him.

                                In the silent snow, Rocky said, "You remember how hard we had it?"

                                "Mm-hm," Evie replied.

                                "Why do you think that was?"

                                "I don't know. I ask myself all the time."

                                "I remember when we started that fire, back in school, and it burned that closet to nothing. And we had a choice, be charged as habitual criminals or leave."

                                "I'm glad that we got that choice." said Evie, sorrow at her past sins apparent on her face.

                                "Me too. I remember that Mom and Dad wanted me to go, so I wouldn't spend my youth in jail. And I came to your house, hit my knees, and begged your parents to let me take you."

                                "And that morning we hopped a freight train, remember?" Evie recalled.

                                "Most people would have a hard time leaving everything they knew behind, but I'm okay anywhere I have you." said Rocky, still holding Evie's hand.

The Alleycats' Valentine's Day (Oneshot)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang