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Aliennation ©2010 Gary Clifford Gibson

Alien life forms had taken over our world. We were forced to watch media info videos with ravenrem doooth training as legions of illegal aliens entered from the land of Mexico to take our drudge jobs we needed to escape freezing winters homeless in Alaska.

What had been ours was lost. Gradually they sought to alienate us and make us like high fructose corn syrup. We rebelled and ate natural foods purchased from the health food section at Wal-Mart. This was how our world was lost.

A worldly salvation in obedience to the Alien lifestyle was the new indoctrination. Multiculturalism would replace our discrepant language and culture. A candidate for Fearless leader received special history data tablets describing how our nation, and veritably our vaunted galaxy, was lost to the ways of the aliens...

From twelve billion light years distant the inference of intelligent life on a future Earth that would not begin to have life for some few million years yet received scant scientific supporting evidence. Judge Alpha Prime, the essential scientific theorist of the Dogma Star Cluster, said that with the size of the Universe being twice that of the observable area of the Universe traveling at twice the speed of light, it would be cost efficient to send a fleet of very small cigar shaped unidentifiable flying objects toward the future populated world in order to challenge their reasoning powers a bit, in case anyone did exist. With the support of the essential scientific theorists the mission to Earth was thus assured full funding and in time the Milky Way mission launched.

Fitting spacecraft capable of journeying billions of light years of space in a few minutes into a distant atmosphere of restricted and non-standard size didn't present easy design criteria. Traveling over space that didn't actually exist was a good way to get more funding for the Dogmatic Military Industrial Complex input to the mission contractors in the home district of the Top Dogmatist.

I will be the one to set these things right. Space and intervals amidst energy quanta do not exist. The intervals and spaces are only apparent viewed from within, rather than real. It is the boundaries and transitional membrane of all being things encapsulating solipsistic doctrine bring us sensations of a vast nearly empty universe.

"Top Dogmatist, I am required as your loyal lackey to agree with that non-sense theory about the non-existence of space. Continuous fields might adjust themselves contiguously such that a movement in one place interacting like mechanical clockwork immediately turns distant parts of the mechanism faster than apparent light speed. Light quanta may be a basic component of the electro-magnetic force and close unto quarks at least spiritually and have no superior individual quantifiable rivals for the most fast particle in Universe class-yet they are just part of the unified field and get bumped with ghost reflections of themselves super-positioned wherever the Universe accounts may require."

That's good theory my new admiral to lead our fleet of heroic U.F.O.s to the Brave New World of Earth, report to the space-yard where you may put intention on the design to take yourself and crew to the point of view of those emerging with neo-intelligence feuding capability.

The minor dogmatist knew that with the major dogmatist's premise of positioning a fleet of U.F.O.'s with careful insertion through Herbertian space-folding of Lorna Dune cookie crumbling and the atmosphere and clouds, eight prospective enterprises could arise from the ashes of civilization like the mythical Phoenix. He imagined beachfront condos, insider trading returning from future to the past and sojourns through cloud formations where no Dogmatist had gone before.

The mission to Earth began with fly bys throughout the 20th century over deniably plausible areas of the population below. Few could confirm the presence of real UFO's in the skies; this was a problem only for those without sufficient imagination to understand global warming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2010 ⏰

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