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Pov Julie;
Today I am going to Sheffield, it is 18th of August 2015. We ( me and my best friend) are going to Sheffield, cause my

grand parents lives there. And we are also going there because it is summer break and I want to explore the city with my

best friend. We are going to stay there for 2 weeks. I am 19 years old and Lara is 18 years old. Our parents found us our old enough to travel by ourselves. So why not Sheffield? It's an beautifull city I think. And I am an huge fan of the Arctic monkeys and the last shadow puppets. I hope one day I can meet the Arctic Monkeys and the last shadow puppets. And maybe if I am lucky I can meet them there in Sheffield.

It is right now 06;55 am. We are going to leave in 20 minutes. So I check the last things before I go. Then I go to my parents house, to say goodbye and my parents also said you have to be careful for crazy/ strange men. After that I went go to Julie's house, that's about 15 minutes of my house.

We live in Oslo, Norway. We are going to the Oslo International AirPort. To check in. Our flight is going over 3 hours.

We are going to Starbucks to have some breakfast.

It is like 10:08 am, and we are fucking tired. But travel is my life, so it is not an such a big problem either.


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