Chapter 1.

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Annie's POV:


The first day of a new week. Many peoples least favourite day but not mine Monday's are my favourite. Not for any particular reason but just because it's a chance to start fresh. It's currently the first day back at school after Christmas break and I'm not exactly excited. Ever since I lost my brother bullying has gotten worse.

Everyday is hell.

Of course by things like the "mean girls" and classic high school bullies calling me names but mainly by Hayden Summerall, the captain of the football team and the school heartbreaker oh and his gang. Hayden's described as the dreamiest boy in the school but to me he's a huge jerk.

Yeah I'm sure he sounds amazing but he's quite the opposite. Sadly girls are blind to see what he's really like. I mean I kind of feel sorry for the boy. All his relationships are for the reputation of himself and of course he only dates popular girls so the likes of me wouldn't stand a chance. Thank god.

"Annie were leaving in 5 there's a granola bar on the kitchen counter I'll be in the car" my mum says grabbing the car keys and rushing out the door. I quickly grab my school bag and granola bar and join her in the car for the joyful ride to the hell hole.

"How's school?" My mums asks still not knowing what I go through "it's fine" lie "why don't you bring a friend back after school?" "Maybe one day there usually busy" lie again "okay well we're here so have a good day" I smile sarcastically of course and jump out the car.

Once I make way over to my locker I'm stopped by one of Haydens many minions. "Hey Lebitch what ya doing?" "trying to get to my locker so if you could move that would be much appreciated" I say sarcastically. He scoffs and walks of laughing with his other delusional friends.

I quickly check my schedule and make my way to English but once again I'm stopped but this time by the one and only Hayden Summerall just my luck "hey leblanc" I roll my eyes ignoring him and attempt to go past him but he grabs my arm making me look at him in the eyes "look you know my name Hayden now i need to get to class can you please let me go?" I say with a sense of anger "whatever freak" ouch. Hayden's called me plenty of things before considering he doesn't even know me but a freak that's harsh.

As I enter the class I realise that I'm late. Thanks Hayden. "Your late Juliana" "Its annie and I'm sorry miss it won't happen again" she nods and I take my seat blanking out the laughed from the rest of class. Today's going to be a long day.

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