Level 1: The Beginning

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(3rd Person PoV)

    Three weeks have passed, and everything is finally settling down regarding the squipcident. The group of squiped teens now hang out with one another, more than ever (mostly in theatre). And this time, everyone was pretty cool with their own personalities and weird hobbies. Even if you liked buying 90's soft drinks in the back of Spencer's.
It was nice, that is until Michael Mell awoke with a start in the dead of a cold January night.
He sat upright in his black bean bag, breathing hard. Immediately he felt hot and dizzy, along with the overwhelming urge to throw up. Sweat dribbled his forehead and he began to choke on something lodged in his throat.
Going into a fit, he coughed up what appeared to be the petals of a rose, except, they were a brilliant dark blue. He stared wide eyed at the petals, laying on the old tan carpet of the basement.
He coughed a couple more times only to clear his throat, and to his surprise a few more petals fell from his chapped lips, landing in between his stark white sneakers. It was only then he realized he was still in his tattered red hoodie covered in dozens of patches.
He groaned, ripping his glasses off his face and rubbing his eyes until they hurt. "What the hell..." he said tiredly.
He looked ahead, seeing his tv still on and projecting dozens of colored lights from a single player game he was checking out earlier that day. A black controller was wired up to it and lay on the floor beside him.
He got up, a bit freaked out from hacking up flower petals, was that even normal?! He decided to look it up on his phone, and after looking through dozens of websites he'd finally found something. Glaring at his bright phone screen he read,
"A disease where the victim regurgitates and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from unrequited love. The illness can only be cured through surgical removal, however any existing romantic feelings are also removed with the infection."
What the hell did that mean? Was he just going to cough up flower petals for eternity? That's ridiculous... it's gotta be fake... "Jesus... I did too much weed." He shook his head, not wanting to believe it.
But yet, when he looked to the ground he saw them again. They taunted him... if this disease was a real thing, he knew he would suffer. Why, you might ask?
He may or may not have a crush on his best friend Jeremy... it was hard for him to admit at first but he truly felt the way he did. Jeremy's geeky ways just really got to him somehow.
He felt his heart flutter every time he spoke his name, and when they hung out together it was the best time he'd have without getting stoned in the basement.
Michael snapped from his trance and glanced at the time, 11:56 on a Monday night, gee this would be fun... he sighed and picked the soft petals up, dumping them in a near by trash bin.
Afterwards, he retreated upstairs to his bedroom, letting out a few soft sobs of confusion as he laid down in bed, not really caring about his clothes at the time. He soon passed out.

Waking up was hell, Michael got up to his annoying alarm with a headache and cramped joints. Knowing he had to get up, he showered and changed, and got ready for the day.
Hopping into his car, he let his mind slip as he drove.
He was tired, and confused. What did it all mean? How would he fix it? What would he tell Jeremy?
'Nothing..' he thought. He decided he wouldn't tell Jer about what had happened. It'd be too obvious.
His thought got pushed aside as he arrived at the school, he continued to park his PT cruiser in its usual spot and walk in the doors of his distraction for the day.
He stopped and turned when someone called his name, "Michael!" It was Jeremy. He was glad to see him after his long night.
Jeremy jogged up to Michael with a small grin but soon stopped and stared at his best friend, "Woah dude, you okay? You look like ass!" Michael grabbed the straps of his backpack out of a nervous habit, his gaze shifted. "That's my line... yeah Jer, I'm good. How're you? Anything up with Christine?" He asked, changing the subject.
Jeremy failed to notice Michael's off emotions and continued to talk about Christine for a good five minutes. It was all positives, their relationship seemed to be doing great.
In all honesty, Michael was happy for him, all he wanted was for Jeremy to be happy, he deserved it after everything. In addition, Christine was a super nice chick to be around, she was great.
But no matter how much he pushed it away, he knew he would always be missing Jeremy in a way he could never have him... and it was a hard thing to accept.
Jeremy continued talking and Michael just listened, just the sound of his voice comforted him. Eventually they both made it to their classes, and Michael barely survived it.
By lunch, player one was practically falling asleep in his food. His head would fall from his hand every now and again, only for him to jolt awake and sit up.
He sat in a loud cafeteria, but he paid no mind as he dozed off. "Michael are you seriously falling asleep right now?" A familiar voice came, once again Jeremy was here to make company. He held a lunch tray and gave a laugh. "C'mon, did you even get any sleep last night?"
Michael shook his head, "Barely." He mumbled. That was the last of the conversation before he dozed off completely, falling asleep on something... or... someone..? Either way, he fell into a deep sleep trance.

    About thirty minutes had passed, or in Michael's head, an hour, and he'd been abruptly pushed out of sleep. "Dude, the bell rang." Jeremy's voice came.
    It was only then Michael realized he'd been leaning on his best friend. Immediately he felt a presence in his throat...'Not again...'
    His head snapped up, and without saying a word, he packed his belongings in a messy manner and ran off to the nearest bathroom. It was there he began choking on blue petals over the trash can, and if he thought it couldn't get worse, he spat out an entire rose bud.
    He breathed heavily, feeling now empty as he shoved thoughts of his player two to the side. Michael leaned against the wall, trying to keep it together, key word trying.
    Thirty minutes later he retreated from the safety of the bathroom and to his fifth period. Tired eyes and messy brown hair.
     The day went on as usual besides that, and while Jeremy had began getting suspicious, he refrained from asking for now. After all, Michael was his best friend, and would tell him if something was on his mind...

(A/N) wowza, I wrote this way too fast and probably could've made it better. Buuuut, I want to put this out there as soon as possible so, yeah. Pleaaaase tell me what you think, I don't want to continue writing something no ones going to read. Thanks.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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