The Beginning

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 My name is Vanessa Hodge, and this is the short story of my life.

 I was never a pretty child, from my birth I was a pretty ugly baby. I know, I know all babies are cute right? Wrong, I am the exception. Furthermore growing up things pretty much got worst, my baby chub stuck to my like super glue and I (having a fabulous sweet tooth) packed on the pounds from a young age. My hair, brown and boring, grew in mangled waves surrounding me only to be tamed by a miracle and an extra strong rubber band. Add on my wild buck teeth and my muddy hazel eyes and boy was I a looker. Anyways growing up I always thought I was adopted with my mom having a beautiful perfect body and stick straight blond hair to go with ocean blue eyes along with my dad with his rich dark chestnut hair and deep brown eyes, I was a genetic anomaly. However, it wasn't only my looks that got the short end of the stick, oh no, I would soon learn thing would get worst with time. 

It all started in the third grade when my class went on the third grade science field trip to lake Tano. Everyone already knew it was more fun than educational from stories from the grade above, supposedly packed with adventure, games and activities. Unfortunately one of those activities included swimming in the lake. Now please understand that for a third grader swimming is the best, and water games are better. However for me, miss oh so inquisitive, I just had to explore the depths to see what I could find. Now the rest is a blur for me (seeing as for a young traumatic experience for a child the only way to coup is block that ish out) but from what I remember (and was constantly reminded of) upon swimming I had gotten mud and plants wrapped all around me and of course had a giant stick I just had to bring back. Now please picture this your in the third grade and you see a giant creepy muddy strange shaped form come towards you, obviously you scream and get the heck away. Ok, now picture you in the third grade swimming back to shore and having 23 of your classmates swim away in horror upon the sight of you... yea not fun. Having the name Vanessa and looking like a monster in the lake with a bunch of vicious evil kids around looking for blood is not a good idea people, so I was immediately handed the nickname "The Loch ness Monster" or more commonly now, Nessie.

Ever since that day my school avoided me like a plague, tormenting me constantly with their quick wit and jokes. I remember coming home and crying from the mean things they'd say my confidence shattered my spirit crushed. So I made it my lifes goal to go unnoticed: I wore big hoodies to hide my face, never joined clubs, didn't talk to anyone, and never did anything to bring any attention to myself. From the third grade till today junior year of high school I Vanessa Hodge was invisible.

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