Part 1

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An: This is 100 times better if you listen to the song as you read it. Just sayin
[0:00] Micheal's phone splashed in the water, sinking with the screen still on. On the screen read the last text messages he thought he would ever send.

To: Jeremy ❤
I'm Sorry
I don't like goodbyes, so for now
See you then

Micheal's homescreen of him with his arm around Jeremy slowly sank to the bottom of the river, taking Micheal's will to live with it.The phone glitched a couple times before turning black completely. On the other side of a small park, there is an apartment building, where Jeremy sat in shock, stareing at micheals texts in horror. Jeremy realized what Micheal was about to do and shot up, dropping his phone as he ran out the door torwards the bridge above Washington River, his face now covered in tears. The man he had hopelessly fallen for, the man who Jeremy would do anything for, the one man who could make Jeremy smile or laugh no matter what, was about to end it all. There would be no more chocolate eyes to get lost in. No more adorable laughs or cute subconscious humming to listen to. No more fantasizing about Micheals lips, how soft they must feel. No more gazing at the way Michael's tounge adorably stuck out between his teeth when he was concentrating. No more joy. No more love.
No more Micheal.

[1:00] Micheal's hair blew out of his face, hot tears flowing down and falling, joining the cold dark river. Micheal looked around, thinking of Jeremy as he hovered one foot above the water, his grip on the railing behind him tightening. Michael was going to confess his crush on Jeremy, but he didn't want Jeremy to feel guilty. So, he kept quiet. Micheal looked at the stars, smiling in a bittersweet way. He felt more at peace than he ever had, further finalizing his decision.

[1:26] Jeremy's feet collided with the wet bricks of the bridge as he ran to the red silhouette looming at the edge. Jeremy could feel his heart practically beating out of his chest as he ran, the tears flowing down his cheeks as if they were challenging the river itself. He could feel his heart break with every step he took. He could see Micheal look back at him one last time, smiling in a bittersweet, apologetic way.

[1:53] Before Jeremy could reach Micheal, Micheal let go of the railing, taking his other foot of of the edge, spiraling into a freefall. His eyes were closed as his hair reached for the sky, his arms doing the same. The tears started to fly off of his face and form droplets hovering in front of him. He fell with his arms reaching for the stars, his eyes closed.The last thing he could hear were the desperate heartbroken screams that could only be Jeremys. Micheal's heart broke at the sound of Jeremy's cracking voice. He started to regret his decision, he started to blame himself for causing Jeremy this much pain. But, before he could do anything to help Jeremy, he was completely submerged in the cold, dark water.

[2:26] Jeremy stared in horror as Micheal's body entered the water, disappearing from his view. Jeremy then threw off his navy jacket, climbed over the railing, and jumped in after his Micheal. The water was freezing, but Jeremy didnt regret jumping in. He would do anything for Micheal. Anything. He felt around for Micheal, finally finding his cold, limp, hand. Jeremy grabbed it, pulling him to the nearby coast. Jeremy looked at micheal in horror, searching for a pulse, then got hit by sob when he found none. He started performing CPR, going over the steps in his frantic mind.

30 compressions
2 breaths
30 compressions
2 breaths
30 compressions
2 bre-

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