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I ran trying to get away from what ever was chasing me , as I sucked in air I ran through a gray hall way every thing behind me was turning black , being absorbed by the ebony matter , that was consoming the hallway . I ran for my life as the
matter called my name " Addie......,Addie " over and over again like it was trying to kill me with it words , and if that were possible , I'd already be dead . With each step the voice got loader and loaded until it was screaming my name " ADDIE!, ADDIE!,ADDIE!,", it hurt , it hurt , it hurt!! ,. My head was pounding , and my legs were getting tried then it yelled my name on last time "ADDIE!!!!!!!!!",then a black tentcsl impaled me and sprayed intoy insides and it all went dark .....
........ ......

Then I heard it that same song I hate every night

Let the fly with the wind on wight
Of sorry I
I felt its pain and now I see
Thie wings
Are black
And filled with hate
Oh says the black nightly crow...

Then I wake up out of the comsumeing darkness and in my bed, its ...... 3:00am

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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