Chapter 1: Rebirth

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The USB device was never destroyed. Pyrrha Nikos didn't want to destroy the USB after Y/N's death a few months before the Vytal Festival because it... how did she say? Hold a few memories of Y/N. Unbeknownst to her the young genius' consciousness was saved on the drive back then along with the recipe and research of the dastardly substance known as CX-0003. When Pyrrha talked to Ozpin, Glyda, Qrow and Ironwood the afternoon she was introduced to the Fall Maiden, she had accidentally dropped the USB on the ground as Ironwood noticed, he picked it up, and decided to pocket it for later...

(Timeskip Featuring Chibi Y/N getting a cord stuck in his head.)

It wad a few weeks after the fall of Beacon, Ironwood entered an Atlesian laboratory with the little USB in hand. Something HAD to be in this device, he knew it.

Ironwood: "Get this uploaded onto the computer."

He ordered to a scientist. The man who ran the system nodded hesitantly and took the USB to Ironwood.

The monitor displayed a complex coding screen, filled with what could only be described as a matrix-esque clutter of coding. Some digits blood-red and some digits grass-green.

Scientist: "General, this... this is nothing like I've ever seen before."

Ironwood: "What is all this?"

Ironwood questioned.

Scientist: "This is... I d-don't know how to describe it..."

He stuttered out, suddenly a little text box opened up on the screen. No exit button, not even minimize. The text box began displaying sentences.

???: 'Well looks like you've found my mind. Congratulations.'

Scientist: "Is this set to say specified wordings encoded in the past?"

He asked Ironwood, the General shrugged. As if on cue the text box responded almost immediately.

???: 'I am not a programmed individual. Look, General. This brain you see behind this text box has been uploaded onto this USB. If you're talking to me right now, that means my original body might've died."

Ironwood was bewildered, he looked towards a team of men behind them on similar monitors.

Ironwood: "If this is a virus, if it displays any wanting of access to any of our files. I want you all at the ready."

The men all nodded, quickly logging onto their computers. Accessing their security networks.

???: "That won't be needed. I just have one request to ask of you. Then you may dispose of this USB once I've been able to get what I want."

Scientist: "General, It's requesting something."

He turned back to the screen. The general glared at the text trying to read it as more appeared for him to read.

???: 'All I request is that you build a body for me. And please, make it as human as you possibly can, in fact, please make it like look this boy I'm about to upload.'

Ironwood silently gasped as the program uploaded a picture of D/N's son, Y/N L/N.

???: "Please make it look like him, clone skin and bone if you have to."

Ironwood: "Understood, I can adhere to that request. I do hope you don't seek to blackmail us."

???: "You trusted my father a few times before Ironwood. You don't trust his son?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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