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Jolene's P.O.V.

I turned and tossed around my bed for what seemed like hour, trying to ignore the loud ringing of my alarm clock in my ear. I wanted to go back to sleep, to forget about everything and enjoy my bed.

What could I possibly have to do today? School. That's what I have to do today.

I swiftly jumped out of bed, running to my closet to find the unappealing clothes that stared back at me. I'm not a fashionista, I don't care what I'm wearing as long as it's comfortable. When I finally found my favorite t-shirt, I squealed with joy and threw it on with a pair of jeans and my converse. I continued getting dressed, not really bothering to try and tame the mess that was my hair at the moment. I ran downstairs, ready for breakfast. Every first day of school, my mom makes pancakes and bacon and we eat together and talk about the day ahead.

Well, every day until now, that is. My mom left me a note on the counter explaining that she had to work early this morning and she was really sorry. She also said that there was yogurt in the fridge for breakfast. My day is already off to a great start!


I drove to school with my windows rolled down, letting the wind hit me as I cruised. I was nervous, as usual, about the first day of school. The first day is when you see the people you are going to be in classes with and meet your teachers. This year, however, was not like the others. It was my senior year.

This was the last year I had to hide behind a textbook and try to go unnoticed. Next year, I'd be doing my college courses online, away from all the drama and chaos of the kids my age. I would be starting my nursing classes and getting to make a real difference in the world.

That is, if I can make it through this one more year.

I'm determined to go unnoticed and not cared about this year, no matter what. I can't risk what happened at my old school happening again. But I don't like to think about that. It's not going to happen again.


I walked into school and went to get my schedule. I had a busy schedule and trying to find some people that call me a friend would take up way too much time. Of course, before I got to the gym, I ran into someone, causing me and the other person to drop everything we were carrying.

"I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you!" I said with fear, quickly picking up my things and getting ready to walk away.

"You need to watch where you're going next time, dear," he replied with a smirk,"I wouldn't want you getting hurt or anything."

I know I should've responded. I should've said something to convey that it wouldn't happen again and I didn't mean to. However, the only thing on my mind was how much time had passed and how if I didn't hurry, I was going to be late on the first day. So instead of staying to apologize, I quickly walked away, gaining my composure again and making my way into the gym. I really need to be more careful.

Your first day is already off to a great start. Great job going unnoticed, Joe!

Tyler's P.O.V

"I'm telling you guys, I'm gonna be the captain this year. Coach is definitely going to choose me. Who wouldn't?" I said to my friends.

"Yeah right, dude. Coach probably doesn't even know your name. Don't get your hopes up." Matt replied, trying to keep a straight face.

"Everyone knows my name, I'm fam-"

The girl and I crashed right into each other, both of our things flying in the air. She quickly gathered her things, looking uncomfortable and scared. She apologized for hitting me, saying she wasn't paying attention to where she was going.

"You need to look where you're going next time, dear," I said,"I wouldn't want you getting hurt or anything."

Who are you? Why don't I know you? Are you new here? Seriously, why have I never seen you before? These questions were flooding through my brain. But before I could ask any of them, she was gone, walking quickly towards the gym.

I know just about everyone that goes here, and I have never noticed that girl before. She must be new, I would have recognized a face like hers if I had seen it before.

"TYLER!" Matt yelled, bringing me back to reality, "Dude. I've been saying your name for like three minutes! What is your mind preoccupied with?"

"Who is that girl, Matt?" I asked,"I've never seen her before. I'm familiar with almost everyone here, but I don't know her. Who is she?"

"I don't know. I've never seen her either. Maybe she's new or something and she was already nervous. I have no clue, Ty." he responded.

So many different things clouded my brain, causing me to completely forget what I was doing.

"What were we doing, Matt?" I asked.

"Going to 1st period, Ty. You are already confused and the school year just started." he responded, laughing at his joke.

I walked into my first class, choosing a seat near the back. English, a class I had no desire to be in and couldn't stand to be in. The teacher started to discuss the goals for the year and the rules of the classroom when she walked in. I was completely distracted now, not caring about what we were reading this year or how to talk about bullying. I watched her walk up to the teacher with a scared look on her face, as if she had never been late to anything before.

"Hi. I'm Jolene McKinley. I'm so sorry I'm late! They couldn't find my schedule and then I was missing a class. I'm really sorry," she almost whispered to the teacher.

"It's okay, Jolene. Take a seat." the teacher responded with a kind smile.

She looked around for a minute before taking the only available seat in the classroom, right next to me.

Hi! Welcome to my story. Thank you for taking the time to read it! For the first chapter, I really wanted you to see both sides of the story. However, for the most part, the book will be in Jolene's POV. Anyways, it really means the world to me. I'm sorry if this writing is terrible, this is my first book and I'm not super impressed with it. Anyways, thanks again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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